Chapter 9-- Eryn: Kill and Kiss You

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This is Eryn's theme song without a doubt. XD


Kenway strode away, tension in his stance. It was obvious from his heavy footfalls that our little spat had angered him. It gave me a sense of accomplishment to draw a rise out of the captain, even if it was in something as small as this. 

I considered remaining on the Jackass for the night but elected to go onshore. Kenway had a point when he said Tortuga was useful. Even though it was nothing but a pirate's port, it held people who could help. Besides that, I fucking hated being seasick like I'd been for days. 

I hopped off the ship and walked towards the bar. After all of the shit I'd been through just in the past week fucked me up, and a drink sounded wonderful. I despised alcohol for good reasons, but I would never drink more than I could hold.

I slipped a coin from the bloke next to me to pay for the ale and downed it easily. Unfortunately, being surrounded by drunken men with nothing on their minds but their next fuck was a bit of a downside to hanging in a bar. The first man to attempt to feel me up had his wrist broken, the second knocked out with a sharp uppercut. Another drink made my mind fuzzy.

An extra beer in my stomach gave me more confidence and made my judgment fucking terrible. After a while, I noticed some of Kenway's crew in the bar. Kenway himself was on a stool with a prostitute on his leg. Goddamn pirates. I drank more slowly with my next beer, watching the captain down drink after drink. I was nearly impressed with the number except I'd seen better and worse simultaneously. He picked a fight with some other wasted asshole and got a good right hook to his eye, which he fully fucking deserved.

If I'd been sober, I'd have known not to chug more than I could handle and remembered exactly why. Still, I managed to get so damn plastered, I was the one all over a stranger, kissing him and giving in.

I didn't end up asking anyone for info, but I did end up in someone's bed.


I woke up to a massive migraine-hangover in a strange place. My back hurt like all hell and I hardly remembered a damn thing after my fourth glass the previous night. Blinking the sleep out of my eyes, I turned around and tried to get my bearings. 

Humiliation filled every bone in my body as I recognized the chamber I was in. I whipped my head to my side to see Kenway, no doubt buried in drunken dreams. He was just as bare as I was, though passed out soundly. He snored loudly while I silently cursed. What the fuck? Son of a bitch! Fucked the fucking captain of the fucking Jackdaw who fucking murdered my fucking fiance, fuck my life...

Anger and self-hatred roiled in my mind. I'd become something I vowed to leave behind, an important promise the second I was old enough to make it. I dressed quickly, mortification still running like lead through my veins. Fuck. Just as I was slipping my boots on, a groan alerted me to Kenway's waking. 

"The fuck happened...? Jaysus, my head." He pressed his fingers to his temple and whipped the covers off, apparently uncaring as he sat entirely naked with all glory revealed. I stared at the window on the other side of the room, at the lantern hanging from the desk, anywhere but at him.

"Found you in bed with some bigass broad," I lied, desperately praying to whatever God watched over us that he wouldn't remember. Fucking hell, I prayed that I would forget. It was a blow to my pride and a knife to my head. How drunk was I, Jesus fucking Christ! 

"Give a lad some privacy in his own fucking chambers," Kenway snapped irritably. I ignored him and continued with my fabrication.

"Sent her off with a few reales I found in your bag, no trouble."

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