Chapter 31-- Eryn: Screwing With Me?

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I headed off with Ah Tabai, biting my lip. What had Kenway thought of the-- really? A fucking sand castle? I sighed in self-loathing, sure he thought of me as a ridiculous fool. Still, when had I begun caring about Kenway's opinion of me? I was drawn out of my thoughts by my leader.

"Here. She's been doing well with the hidden blade but less than stellar with a sword. I figured our most skilled swordswoman would be perfect for helping Emma out." I nodded absently, grabbing a sword from the wall. The blonde-haired assassin was already holding one, though it was immediately obvious that her form was wrong.

"Dammit," I growled. She appeared concerned, but I waved it off. "Let's go somewhere with more space." Emma accepted my suggestion and followed me off into the jungle. We stopped in a spacious clearing, and I began my instructions. "Show me where you are. Lunge."

Emma darted forwards, sword flailing about. "Mountanto." She stared at me blankly, and I was annoyed at having to clarify. "Upwards thrust." She followed my directions seemingly as best she could, but still failed to meet my standards.

"Did I do well?" she asked hopefully, standing straight as a board. I shook my head, sour.

"Hardly. While it's highly likely that your opponents won't be using any kind of proper fighting technique, you still need to learn it. Your form is horrible, and you attack like you've never held a damn sword in your life." Emma seemed embarrassed. "Watch me."

I showed off my own skills easily, though I'd be the first to admit that she'd never reach my level of expertise. I'd spent years training to be where I was, and it additionally required a kind of instinctual reaction that took just as long to achieve. "When you become an expert, your body starts to take over, and every move becomes automatic. It's called muscle memory." Emma still looked completely lost with my explanations. "Jesus Almighty, it's not that difficult!" I snapped.

I noticed Emma's disheartened expression and tried softening my tone. "Here. Mimic me." I began with form, a simple en garde. My right leg was set ahead of my left, body facing forwards. I had to correct her posture slightly, but managed alright. "Now, pretend there's an enemy in front of you. A Templar," I amended. Emma's brows furrowed. "Try the forward lunge again." With the form, she was much closer to an accurate move than before.

I spent the next few hours training the new recruit without a rest, and we were both doused in sweat when I finally allowed a respite. 

"This is exhausting," she complained, unscrewing a flask and sipping from the water inside. I had my own water skin near hers.

"Would you rather be set against a Templar with no idea how to defend yourself?" I challenged. She shrugged, visibly irritated at my point. Being able to defend one's self meant constant training. There is no shirking, no rests every time there's the smallest ache or bit of weariness. "You have to push yourself, Emma." She sighed in annoyance. 

"We can't keep this until I can go for longer?" I ignored her plea. "I preferred Lana's teaching."

"Lana's way of teaching is by pampering and coddling. That's not how it works, and if you ever want to learn anything, then you'll shut the fuck up and listen to me!" My voice reached a shrill shout by the end of the sentence. "It's not that fucking difficult." I took a swig from my water skin before capping it.

"You're a bitch," she muttered, probably not intending for me to hear. 

"Well aware. Shall we begin again?" Emma sent me a glare, but took up her sword and assumed the form I'd pounded into her head. "Excellent. Now... parry!"


I was sore by the time I returned to the beach, though Emma was obviously worse. I'd been shamefully satisfied with her hateful remarks on the way back. After considering my past experience, she'd feel a hell of a lot worse in the morning. As for me, I was at least used to the pain and wouldn't find it too difficult.

Kenway was nowhere to be seen on the beach, and I had a hard time figuring whether I was glad or upset. My stomach let out a loud gurgle. "You know what?" I addressed my own stomach. "You're a hassle."

"Interesting. Do you have frequent conversations with your body, luv?" I gritted my teeth. 

"You're a little shit, Kenway." He simply walked alongside me as I headed to the main hall. "Why are you following me?"

"I have nothing better to do. Besides, I thought we were friends," he smirked. I longed to punch the sneer off his face. Actually, I had no problem with it. I swung my fist towards him, only half-surprised when he blocked it with ease. I tore my hand from his grip and cradled it with my other. "Why the sudden violence, luv?" 

"I'm hungry, I'm pissed, I'm tired and nobody fucking listens to a goddamn thing I say!" I directed my words towards Emma, who was huddled in the corner with three other assassins. She curled her lip up, and I ignored her in favor of my own shit mood. Slumping down at the table, I laid my head on my arms. A few minutes passed without any interruption from the pirate (or friend, whatever he was at the moment).  

Without warning, weight shook the bench slightly as someone sat down beside me. I groaned in irritation, not bothering to remove my head from my arms. "You can't go anywhere else?" I complained, slightly muffled.

"I bring gifts." The clatter of a plate was the only reason I looked up. Kenway handed me a crudely-shaped fork. I took it from him, feeling slightly guilty about how I was treating him. He had no hand in the bullshit. Instead of ruminating on shame, I looked down at the food. "Besides this, I've got something for you. Can't have it until tomorrow, but hey, no harm in letting you know."

"Oh, hush." I stared at him with suspicion. "Are you planning on flinging me off a waterfall again?" He laughed heartily, a joyful sound.

"No, that was a one-time thing this week."

"You know I beat your ass."

"Your 'shrieks of terror' made the bruises worth it all, luv." I turned back towards the meal, hiding my smile behind the annoyance I still felt. It didn't take long to return to pissiness. 

Earlier in the day, Lana had brought down a crocodile, and we weren't ones to be picky about what we ate. Tiny roasted cubes of reptile sat on the plate, and I speared one with the fork. Acutely aware of Kenway's eyes on me, I cleared my throat.

"Is this necessary?" I questioned, leaving the fork sitting on the clay plate.

"Is what necessary?" he replied innocently.

"Are you really so obsessed with learning every single detail about me that you'll fucking watch me eat?" Kenway shrugged, leaning back on the table.

"Again, luv. I have nothing better to do."

"You could go tell daring pirate stories or some shit to the others," I grunted, only half-serious. 

"That's not a bad idea, luv." His eyes gleamed, and I was immediately wary. "I can let them know all about the woman I fucked a few months ago. Really, she--" I shoved him aside, refusing to look at him.

"Just fuck off!" With a shit-eating grin, he climbed off the bench and approached the crowd in the corner. In seconds, I heard booming laughter from all around. "Son of a bitch," I swore. "If he's talking about it, I'm gonna kill him. I swear to God, I will take my fucking sword and kill him" I chewed on the meat, thinking venomous thoughts about a certain pirate captain.

I finished in minutes, wiping my fingers off on the wooden table. Leaving the dirty platter where it was, I became conscious of the assassins watching me with amused smiles. "Dirty motherfucker, I'm--"

"You really knocked 'em down!" an assassin by the name of Polonius guffawed. I seethed with anger.

"Kenway's a--"

"Are those bloody cunts really that easy to trick in the base?" My vexation vanished. "They believed you had the fragment? That he had the fragment?" 

"Some fat tub of lard as a watchman, too. I'd never believe it if I didn't know the Templars will take anything they can." I caught Kenway's eye.

You're fucking ridiculous, Kenway, I mouthed to him. 

That's why you love me, he mouthed back. I rolled my eyes and walked out of the main hall. However, that didn't stop the heavy thudding in my chest.

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