Chapter 17-- Eryn: Run

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Kenway's face was slightly judging as I dragged the body of the Templar away, and though I wouldn't have accepted his help, I was still annoyed that he hadn't offered it. "Just put this asshole into the jungle. He'll be eaten by the cats or crocs." The pirate sniffed.

"You still could have let me deal with it," he insisted. 

"Kenway, I don't care how much time I've spent aboard your fucking ship. I trust you about as much as a stranger on the street." The pirate remained behind as I entered the jungle. My vision adjusted to the lack of ample sunlight within the shrouded trees. I only walked a few meters before finding a pond filled with crocodiles. They watched me intently, and I decided to give them a distraction.

I rolled the Templar into the muddy water, the scent of blood drawing the attention of the reptiles. They began to tear at his body, giving me a window to escape. Kenway waited at the entrance, his arms crossed. 

"So?" he questioned. I shut my eyes and bit the inside of my cheek.

"Kenway, you're a dumbass," I insulted. "Am I carrying the body? No. Do I have an animal on my tail? No. How do you think it went?" He scowled at me.

"You know what, fuck you."

"You're the one that started this!"

"And you're the one who climbed aboard my ship with the intent to kill me," he returned, quick as a whip. 

"You're the one who killed Duncan!" I snapped, beginning to lose my patience with the pirate.

"He's the one who fucked with me first," Kenway defended. I groaned and trudged forwards, anger making my footfalls heavy. "This island is infested with them now." It took me a moment before I realized he was referring to the Templars. I had crocodiles in my mind.

"Then we need to kill them all," I said simply. Kenway stared at me incredulously.

"You can't be serious."

"They deserve to die! Every single one!"

"That's not my problem, luv. You want to charge in without a plan into a crowd of Templars hungry for your head." I glanced down. "They want you for whatever you know about the Staff of Moses." Shock pulsed in my heart.

"Where the fuck did you hear--" I wasn't about to take chances. Whipping out my sword, I held it to his neck. The edge opened a slight cut in the skin. "You'd better explain yourself, now." Kenway didn't retaliate, instead seemed to have expected my reaction.

"The fucker you killed? He had a letter on him from the governor." I peered at him distrustfully as he passed a crumpled yellow parchment to me, a red stamp on the very bottom. Perusing the letter, I slowly lowered my sword. I tore up the letter and threw the pieces into the mud, grinding them into the wet earth with the heel of my boot. "That was useful."

"Shut it, pirate." A thought occurred to me. "You motherfucker." For once, it appeared that I had caught Kenway off-guard.

"There was no call for that," he accused. My hand went to the pistol at my side, ready to get my revenge and protect the Brotherhood.

"You've been planning this," I barked. "You wanted to know why the Templars wanted me so you could get something for yourself!" I shoved him backwards. "Asshole!" Kenway glared at me, and it became obvious that I was aggravating him.

"You little shit, why the fuck did you think I'd know about what they were after before this?!" I refused to listen to his reasoning.

"You're playing a game, Kenway. I refuse to be your pawn."

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