Chapter 27-- Eryn: Training For Death

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Kenway took charge over the crowd, bringing them into joyful cheers. I crossed my arms and caught his eye. Somehow, I couldn't stop the tug at the edge of my mouth, despite how I wanted to. At first, the pirate captain appeared slightly stunned through his energy, but a broad smile fit itself on him. I wouldn't deny he was much more attractive when he smiled.

I stopped my thoughts with a start. Where did any of this come from? I wondered. However, I didn't get a moment to think otherwise when I looked up again. His piercing eyes were fixed on me, concern gleaming in their ocean-blue depths. Kenway shouldered his way past the assassins milling about and faced me.

"Is everything alright, lass?" I hated the warmth that spread through my chest. What was it? Pride, joy, happiness? It was unfamiliar, and yet completely familiar. I knew this emotion... but it remained just out of my reach. Shaking myself free of the confusion, I looked up at the pirate and beamed.

"Couldn't be better," I lied. In truth, I was puzzled and angered by the events I'd been through. I wanted nothing more than to sleep and escape the world for a while. It was a reason I enjoyed the clutches of slumber... great description, I know. Sleep is like death, but without the commitment. I felt the release of death and still woke to a new day.

"It's easy to tell when you're lying, Er." I tipped my head at the sudden nickname.

"Is 'Eryn' that hard to say?" I questioned, frowning slightly. He tipped his head back and laughed.

"It's just a friendly handle. Be glad I didn't call you broad." I was glad he'd quit with that horrid epithet.

"You're incorrigible, pirate," I grumbled. Kenway grinned and slapped my shoulder in a friendly manner.

"Wouldn't be me any other way," he replied. As he strode off, I found myself wondering why I was treating him almost like... a friend. No.


I took Emma out into the jungle, instructing her on different ways to stalk an enemy. In this case, we were using a wild boar as her target. If she scared it off, then she failed her assessment. Should she succeed, she would receive a set of hidden blades for her own. 

"You'll want to step lightly on the balls of your feet," I advised quietly. Emma paused, trying to process what I'd said. "Don't brush against any kind of vegetation if you can avoid it. Most importantly, stick to the shadows." Emma nodded and pressed forwards, her bow drawn. I was impressed with how much she'd improved in the short time I'd been training her, hardly more than a week.

While Emma walked around the jungle, I shadowed her with multiple thoughts in my head. The party of assassins had left a mere two days prior, as equipped as they could possibly. The earliest they'd be back would be about a fortnight, the latest three or four weeks. Of course, there was always the chance they would fail to return.

We were assassins, part of the Assassin's Brotherhood. I'd devoted my life to the order for years, and while I knew that those that had left on the mission were also trained well, but the Templars weren't all simpletons as I'd encountered since meeting Kenway. The fat man and young boy were hardly a challenge, and the woman had fled instantly. 

It had taken betrayal to take us down, and the same to bring our guard up.

I heard the twang of a bowstring and a high-pitched squeak. My attention instantly shifted to Emma, whose jubilant expression made it clear she'd been triumphant in tracking and killing the boar. I muttered a 'congratulations' and set to hoisting the dead boar onto my back, grunting slightly under the weight. 

"They'll all thank you," I huffed to Emma, who beamed with pride. 

"I'm just relieved I passed," she told me. I almost admired her enthusiasm, well aware that a few years in the Assassin's Brotherhood would drain it out entirely. Her excitement would be replaced with loyalty, joy with intensity. 

"Enjoy it while you can." Emma began to walk in front of me, her footfalls slightly louder than mine. "Go ahead and tell Ah Tabai we've finished your assessment. I'm sure he's eager to hear of your success." Emma bounded away, leaving me alone to carry the pig back to the hideaway.

As I'd suspected, there were pleased murmurs when I came out of the treeline. Throwing the dead animal onto the ground, one of my fellow assassins grabbed it and began to fashion a spit. Lana skinned and gutted it with her hidden blades. A quick glance revealed that Kenway was nowhere to be found. 

Although I knew he wouldn't be back anytime soon, I couldn't help but ask. At my query, several assassins shook their head in a way that almost seemed disappointed.

"As far as I know, he's still with the others," Lana said, impaling the pig and placing it over the spit. My spirits fell, and I had to force myself to feel nothing.

"Simply wondering," I defended. Kenway had offered to sail the assassin's party to the Templar base and would remain there until the party returned... if they returned, that is. "I want the Staff safe with us, along with whatever else they can retrieve." Most of the assassins seemed fooled by my excuse. I supposed I was one of the few that wasn't.


To my surprise, Kenway returned only four days after I'd taken Emma on her assessment. The ship looked worse for wear, as did her crew. I was not present when he'd come back, but learned as an assassin by the name of Roland burst into the tent. Ah Tabai and I turned around, staring at him querulously. Roland stared at us with brown eyes, though it was impossible to discern his thoughts or feelings.

"The Jackdaw has returned," he informed us. I straightened up, ready to run for the beach. 

"Have Augustus and--"

"I don't know," Roland interrupted. "I didn't see them aboard, however."

"And the pirate?" I said coolly, betraying none of the worry I felt.

"Which one?" Roland scoffed. I rolled my eyes.

"The captain, Mr. Kenway." It must've been obvious that I was less than amiable, as Roland gave me a sharp glare.

"He's back. Adéwalé was happy to see him again." I nodded, recalling when the former slave had joined my order days prior. Ah Tabai had instantly inducted him into the Brotherhood. My feet itched to run to the beach and meet up with the ship. I convinced myself it was from eagerness to have the Staff of Moses in our possession. Without waiting for permission to leave, I turned and pushed the leopard-skin cover aside.

"Are you going to leave us behind?" Ah Tabai called back. 

"I need to see if they have the staff," I covered. "Certainly they'd have succeeded." Ah Tabai said nothing, and I got the distinct feeling he didn't quite believe me. However, he didn't stop me from leaving again to find the pirate and my assassin acquaintances.

I ran quickly to find the beach, my feet following a well-known path. Sure enough, the great wooden ship rested on the shore. It tilted slightly with the tide, its holey flags whipping in the breeze. My eyes scanned the crew for Augustus and Bartholomew, and I became concerned when I could not find them. "Has anyone seen the party?" I asked around, but was met with nothing but denials. "Damn!" I cursed.

"No welcoming for me?" I heard from behind. I turned my head to see the blonde pirate.

"Hello," I muttered distractedly. "Enough? Good. Where are my Brothers?" Kenway looked slightly uneasy at my question.

"The two assassins?" he clarified, and I shot him a glare.

"Of course, you blockhead!" I snapped. "Who the fuck else would I be talking about? Bloody moron." Kenway's expression turned sour.

"They..." The downcast look to his face revealed all.

"They... they're dead?" I whispered, thinking on them. Augustus and Bartholomew were dead at the hands of the Templars. The self-righteous bastards would never honor their sacrifice. "Son of a bitch!" I continued to string together expletives, to the point of where even Kenway raised an eyebrow. "I'm gonna fucking rip their stones off and shove 'em down their throat! Motherfucking Templars aren't going to live through the goddamn night!"

"Luv? I'd suggest you calm down."

"And I'd suggest you shut the fuck up!"

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