Chapter 35-- Eryn: Thank You, Go to Hell

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I awoke next to Kenway, pressing against him tightly. My hands were laid over his chest, fingers looped through the belts. He remained asleep, though his arms tightened around my body. I hadn't realized he was holding me until he did so.

In any other circumstance, I'd have been flustered at being so close to him. He was a good friend, but anything more was strictly off-limits. I remembered last night, incredibly vivid in my memories. I'd cried from the horrors of the night, and he'd made it all go away. He held me until I fell asleep.

I felt as though something important was just on the edge of my mind. Despite my attempts to remember, the thought slipped away. I shut my lids and again tried to return to sleep. However, after well over an hour, I realized that I likely wouldn't be sleeping any time soon.

Kenway began to stir, blinking his pure blue eyes open. I feigned slumber, hoping he wouldn't realize I'd come to. His thumb brushed against my neck, eliciting an involuntary shudder from me.

"Figured you were awake," he murmured, beginning to move.

"Wait." He stopped at my command. "I... I want to stay here for a little while." I felt awkward requesting it from him, but as he settled back down, I was glad I'd asked. I had no intentions of falling back asleep, but my eyes closed as his fingers trailed over my back. I shivered as he reached my shoulders.

"You have gooseflesh," he informed me, amusement tinging his voice. A glance at my exposed shoulder revealed tiny raised bumps flecking my skin. I hurriedly rubbed it away, feeling Kenway chuckle deep in his chest. "Don't worry, luv." He began to rub my back again, bringing the gooseflesh back. "At least I know you don't mind it."

My cheeks grew hot, and I hid my face in his chest. "Eryn?" 


"We should get up. Find breakfast, perhaps sail for a while." I suddenly felt the need to argue.

"You sure you want to spend your time with a dumb broad?" Kenway tensed up and lifted his hand from my back. I instantly regretted bringing it up.

"It was a mistake, luv." He sounded sincerely remorseful. "I was... it's... yesterday was a stressful day, Eryn."

"I can tell." I didn't bother to hide my vexation. "Why would you take that out on me, Kenway?" 

"I don't know," he muttered.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"I don't know," he repeated, slightly louder. I think he sensed my disappointment. "I tried to help afterwards." We were both quiet for about ten minutes before I opened my mouth to speak.

"I woke up once," I informed the pirate captain. I felt the unspoken question. "You were mumbling something about a 'Caroline'." Kenway stiffened, the air instantly growing thick with tension. He slipped out from under me, and I mourned the loss of warmth.

Clearly not the loss of Kenway. Why would I...?

"An old... I don't know," he admitted. I brought myself onto my elbows and stared at him in frustration.

"You rare parrot-teacher," I shot. He appeared stricken. "Again with the 'I don't know'. When is this going to stop?" 

"It's nothing you need to know, Eryn. It'd cause more damage than it's worth telling." His fearful vow meant nothing. 

"Is it, though?" I asked, almost mocking him with my tone. "Why this sudden reaction?"

"Just let it be!" he barked, curling his fingers into fists. "You don't need to know anything, Turner." He hesitated before continuing. "I don't want to upset you."

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