I walk into the dark, deep forest with nothing but my phone flashlight. The forest was nice during the day, but at night it was creepy as hell. I walk while calling Lucille's name if she would even answer me. She probably doesn't even want to see me right now. I continue walking without a clue of where this path leads. 

After about twenty minutes, I hear a human cry. 

"Somebody, please help me!" the voiced shouted. It must be Lucille. I ran towards the voice as I call out her name at the same time. After a couple more minutes, I finally see her figure on the ground in agony. She was holding her ankle.


I run to her. 

"Are you okay?" I ask as I kneel down next to her. She doesn't utter a word, but instead hugs me. She leans her head onto my chest and cries. Her body is slightly shaking and tears continue pouring out. I stay still in shock by the fact that she is hugging me instead of kicking me. Finally, I wrap my hands around her and hug her back. I tighten my arms around her. I missed this. I missed her embrace so much. I intake this moment and kiss her on the forehead. 

"Shh, don't cry. I'm here now. I'm here... I'm sorry," I sooth her. Suddenly, she pushes me away and I fall on my bottom. 

Lucille's POV

I jump into Ethan's arms as soon as I see him and cry. I was so scared that I would die out in the forest that all I could do was just hold onto Ethan and cry. I thought no one would come save me. I thought Ethan would walk away and leave me. I thought I would never see him again. All these thoughts clutter my mind. And so, as soon as I saw him, I just hugged him. I could feel my tears wetting his shirt. 

My head stays stuck on his chest until I hear him say, " I'm here... I'm sorry." I then remember the reason I was out in the forest alone in the first place. I wanted to get away from Ethan. Remembering this, I push him off me. His falls on his butt. I get up using the strength I have left. He gets up right after me. I limp on my feet as I try walk around him.

"Are you hurt somewhere?" He grabs my wrist to stop me. He kneels again and checks my ankle. "Your ankle is all bruised and swollen," he says worriedly. 

I pull my wrist away from him and continue walking. 

"Where are you going again? You're going to get lost again! "

I ignore him. One second he's an asshole, the next he acts like he cares for other people again. I can't tell what is real or fake anymore. 

"You're also injured, Lucille! You have to get it treated!" Ethan shouts as he follows me. 

I continue ignoring him. Suddenly, he walks in front of me and blocks me from walking. 

"Fine, do what you want. Don't talk to me, but let me bring you back safely before you hurt yourself even more."

I just push him out of the way and continue walking.

"Luce!" he continues calling out as he follows me. 

"Luce!!" he continues. "Stop playing playing so hard to get."

I turn around in irritation. 

"Stop calling me that! You have no right..."

"What? Call you Luce? If I don't, then who does?" he asks, smugly. 

"Anyone but you!" I shout.

"Fine, I won't call you that. Just let me carry you back to the rest of the group."

"I don't need your help."

"If you don't, I'll just have to pick you up on my own."

I ignore him. All of a sudden Ethan lifts me up bridal style. 

"What the hell are you doing?!" I say, angrily.

"I warned you," he replies, nonchalantly. 

"Put me down, Ethan!" 

"Yell all you want. I'm doing your ankle a favor." 

He continues walking. I start to push him and hit him.

"Let me go!"


"Let me down right now!"

He ignores me. 

"I hate you!" I finally shout at him.

He stops his walking and looks at me. 

"I lied earlier! You asked me if I hated you? Well, I do. I hate you. I really, really hate you! I hate you, Ethan Collins," I shout at him. 

I stare at him. I could see the hurt in his eyes. Instead of putting me down, however, he tightens his hold and continues walking.

"Hate me all you want, but I'm not letting you down with an injured ankle," he says calmly, but I knew too well that hiding behind that I added pain to his voice. 

I try to escape his hold, but he doesn't budge. I give up and just hold on tight. I stare at his face under the moonlight. He's still handsome as ever. It is with no wonder woman can't avoid him and he is what Cecilia calls a "conversation starter for the ladies." He still has the perfect features I used to trace all the time. 

He turns his eyes to me. Our eyes meet for a split second before I look away. I tighten my grip around his neck so that I won't fall. 

We finally get back to the campground and am met by Cecilia and Axel. Ethan lets me down. Axel runs to me and hugs me.

"Are you okay? What happened?" he asks, in distress.

"I'm okay... just a little twist to the ankle," I smile to him.

"What happened?" he asks, but then he looks over to Ethan.


"I did a little self-exploring and tripped over a branch," I cut him off. 

"How'd you find her, Ethan?" Axel continues. 

"That's not the problem. We should probably get her ankle treated," Cecilia cuts in. "C'mon! Lets go to the tent, I have some spray for now and you should probably go back to the city tonight." 

I just nod and follow her. I look at Axel and kisses his cheek. 

"I'm okay..." I reassure him. He doesn't look too pleased, but nods his head and follows Cecilia and I. I look over to Ethan. He looks defeated. I am angry and irritated by him, but I could not helping feeling guilty for every time he looked sad. But, you shouldn't. He hurt you much more. I remind myself. 

Simply, I still love you. [Sequel to It's Simple. I Use You. You Use Me. ]Where stories live. Discover now