The Locker Room: Chapter Twenty-Six: Picture of Banner

Start from the beginning

            I reached over my pillow and hit the play button on the recorder. Like always the first few hours are always silent, because nobody was in the locker room at night. But of course after a little while we would hear voices. Some were too far away to really hear anything, while others were just right to hear.

            "I can't fucking believe that Bryce got expelled."

            "Me neither dude."

            "It's not like he did anything that fucking bad."

            "He got caught with some damn pot. Nothing that fucking bad."

            "This school is shit."

            "I agree."

            Then their voices faded off, and we couldn't hear them anymore. Jenny hit the paused button on the recorder and looked around the circle.

            "Bryce was a guy who sold drugs. I'm glad he got expelled from school. Now I don't have to deal with him trying to flirt with me," said Jenny.

            "Ew. That's disgusting," said Val. We all nodded in agreement.

            Then Jenny hit the play button. It was boring. All the guys were talking about this week was sports. We didn't care about sports, we wanted dirt. I thought that this would be the boringness recorder ever, until I heard his voice.

            I thought Jenny would recognize the voice, before me, but she didn't.

            "Jace, I'm so fucking going to kill you," said Kane.

            "I'm shaking inside, Kane," said Jace.

I heard Jenny gasp, while everyone's mouth was wide open. I immediately dropped my jaw, too. I wasn't surprised that surprised. I knew that Kane wanted to hurt him, because that's what he said in the last recorder. However, I didn't think that he would do it in the locker room. I thought he would do it at his house, or someone else's. Not on school's property.

"You fucking slept with my sister," said Kane. I could tell that he said it through clenched teeth.

"She's fucking hot. What can I say?" said Jace.

I knew Jace was keeping his cool to make Kane even madder at him. I looked around, and I saw everyone was interested in which direction this would go. I was secretly hoping that Kane wouldn't hurt Jace, but I could tell that he was bound to throw a punch in any second.

"My sister is not a fucking toy, you asshole," said Kane.

"I can say whatever I fucking want, Kane. Unlike you I'm not being watched by the fucking principle. Remember what he said? One more punch and you're fucking out."

I was confused, so I looked at Jenny. She looked up at me, and she just shrugged her shoulders. She didn't know about this new information, and neither did I. However, I wasn't really that close to Kane.

We heard a very loud sigh, and I looked around the circle. All my friends were just staring at the recorder, waiting for Kane's reply. I thought he would totally punch Jace right there. That's probably what I would have done.

"Saturday. My house. We'll settle it there, and you better fucking show up," said Kane.

We all gasped. Saturday was today. Saturday was the day that Kane was going to have a fight with Jace. All because he slept with Jenny. I saw that Jenny quickly hit the pause button. Then she got up.

            "I need to go. I need to stop them," said Jenny. It was probably over. It was already eleven at night.

            "Jen, it's probably way over," I said. Jenny shook her head.

            "I still need to know if he is okay," said Jenny. I thought by 'he' she meant her brother.

            "Okay, fine. We'll all go over to your house right now, and see what happened," said Miley. Jenny looked at us.

            "Okay, but let's hurry," said Jenny.

            "Let's take my car," I said.

            For the second time that night, we piled into my car. I drove off towards Jenny's house. I couldn't help but wonder if Kane did beat Jace's ass well. I couldn't help but wonder if Jace even showed up. I couldn't help but wonder what we would tell Kane where we heard that he was going to beat up Jace.

            I knew from then on that my life was going to change. I just didn't know how, and I wasn't sure if I was ready or not.

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