Chapter Seven - "and they told me I don't need to worry."

Start from the beginning

"Alright, since you decided to do a surprise drive ride, I should get at least be somewhat appealing."

I reached across Justin, despite the tense feeling he got, and pulled out my makeup bag from the compartment on the side of the door. I zipped open the bag and reached for my concealer but Justin pulled over and gently placed his hand on top of mine, stopping me from pulling it out.

"No makeup Selena. I said we are going all natural, show the paps we are human, not just their puppets." Justin held his grip on my hand.

"Not even a little mascara?" I asked, scrunching my shoulders up.

"Not a smidge." he chuckled.

"Fine." I said.

I dropped the mascara tube back in my makeup bag and zipped it up. I smiled at Justin while I threw the makeup bag in the backseat. It was quiet and Justin was about to start driving again when I unbuckled my seatbelt and jumped up.

"I need that makeup." I exclaimed.

I heard Justin unbuckle his belt and then I felt his hands tug on my waist.

"Selena, no!" Justin yelled.

"I need it!" I yelled back.

I kept thrashing my arms around, trying to escape the grip Justin had on my waist. I stretched out my hand, almost reaching the makeup bag.

"You don't need it!" Justin shouted, he pulled on my hips again.

"Yes. I. Do." I said, in between grunts.

My middle finger slightly grazed the plastic of the makeup bag and I twiddled it. The makeup bag moved a little bit further. I tried stretching my hand out more, but Justin kept shortening it by pulling me back a bit. The pad of my middle finger touched the makeup bag and I tried rolling the makeup bag. Mission accomplished, because the rest of my fingers were now holding the bag and I finally got.

I sat back in the front, reaching for the zipper of the makeup bag. Just then Justin pulled off the side of the road and started driving again.

Gave up that easily? I laughed to myself.

Just then Justin ripped the makeup bag out of my hand and threw it out the window. I gasped and looked in the mirror on the side, watching the bag while we moved further and further away from it. I turned to look at Justin, my mouth hanging open.

"Justin!" I slapped his arm.

"What? I had to get the makeup away from you somehow - you weren't just going to give it to me." he said, using hand gestures.

I slumped in my seat and sighed. But then I realised that I had got the mascara out of the bag before he threw it out. I smirked and twiddled it in my fingers.

"Ha ha," I taunted, "I still have the masca-"

Before I could react Justin quickly averted his eyes from the road and grabbed the mascara tube. He rolled down the window once again and threw it out.

"Whaa." I exclaimed.

I slumped my shoulders and jutted my bottom lip out.

"Selena - if you really needed that, you wouldn't have gotten so many good reviews on that photoshoot you did with no makeup." he said.

He was actually paying attention to me? Even though we were broken up? Wait - we, I mean are. Are broken up.

"Okay." I said, giving in, "But you're getting me a new makeup bag with new makeup in it." I pointed my finger at him.

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