Chapter Eighteen

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Molly could hear voices, her eyes were still shut, and her arm still hurt though. Slowly, she struggled to try and open her eyes as she picked up on part of the conversation. One voice, she knew was Callan's. The other, she didn't recognize at all. Using her good arm, she pressed down on the warm, soft surface she was on.

"Thank for taking care of her arm Mr. Lockshire." Callan sighed a bit with a small smile, looking at his boss.

"No problem, the poor dear needed it before it got infected." His boss replied, hosting a Scottish accent, round black spectacles and white lab coat with jeans and a black t-shirt under it. "Is the little one awake yet? I'd quite like to ask her some questions."

When Callan was about to reply, he felt a light push on his hand and looked down to see Molly looking up at him with her big blue eyes. "She's awake now, yes. She must have just woken up. Did you sleep well Doll? How do you feel?" He murmured, running his large finger over her arm gently.

When his finger touched her arm, Molly flinched as there was a slight bit of pain and she just gave a small whimper, trying to move away from his hand.

Jerking his hand away, Callan frowned. "I'm sorry Molly." He murmured again as he gently placed her down on the lab table next to a few papers, feeling terrible. He shouldn't have left her alone in that place, now he had himself to blame for her arm being hurt. 

Molly sat on the table, holding her arm, looking at the new bandage which she didn't remember getting. Then, the shadow falling over her made her look up at the elderly man with round spectacles looking over curiously and she scooted back on the table with a frown. "W-Who are you?" She whispered, just loud enough to hear.

"Oh dear, I didn't mean to scare the little darling." Mr. Lockshire chuckled a bit and held his index finger down to the Tiny. "I'm Hershel Lockshire, a government scientist. Don't worry though. You're safe with us. Callan works for us." He smiled down at her, Callan watching the scene with a smile.

Looking at his finger, Molly reached her good arm out and grabbed the man's fingertip, lighty shaking it. "I-I'm Molly, Callan's friend. Er, I mean pet." She gave Mr. Lockshire a small smile before pulling her arm back, jumping as a woman ran into the room and backed away even more on the desk.

Kara looked at her boss, panting as she was out of breath. "B-Boss, there's two Tinies outside. One child, maybe five, and one adult. One is wounded, get bandages and medicine ready. They wouldn't let me touch them, Callan I need your help." She looked at Callan who nodded slowly. 

Mr. Lockshire and Callan left the room, leaving Molly alone who's eyes were wide. "More Tinies?" She whispered to herself as she stood up, smoothing her dress out, carefully stretching her arm as she waited.

As the three humans went outside, Callan looked at down at the small woman and boy, the boy, who was maybe five as Kara said, looking up at them in pure terror as he held the woman's hand, who Callan will just assume is his mother. "G-Go away!" He shouted as he shook the woman, Callan taking a closer look and seeing her eyes were closed.

"Calm down kid." Kara mumbled as she reached out, Callan grabbing her wrist. "What Callan?" She sighed and looked at him, standing back up, annoyed at him.

"Allow me, Kara." Callan mumbled and slowly knelt down beside the child and woman, looking at the boy. 

Clinging to his mothers arm, the Tiny child shut his eyes tightly, trembling. "G-Go away." He said quieter, still trying to sound brave, even though he was obviously terrified.

"Hey now little fella...just calm down, alright? My name is Callan, that's Kara, and that's Mr. Lockshire. We won't hurt you, alright? We're friends, we can help. What's your name?" 

"E-Ethan..." The boy stuttered out, slowly turning his gaze up to the humans, tears in his eyes and Callan's chest tightened. It reminded him of Samantha, even if it was a little boy instead. 

"Ethan, can you trust me and my friends enough to help your mommy?" He murmured gently, reaching out and Ethan flinched, but nodded quickly. 

"Y-Yes, p-please." 

Callan gently scooped up the woman in his palm, passing him along to Mr. Lockshire who qho quickly went back inside to the lab to take care of her, Callan then picking up the little boy. "Alright, Ethan, I have a friend who can take care of you for a little bit, does that sound okay?" 

Ethan slowly nodded again, looking down and whimpered quietly, still looking rather terrified. "O-Okay mister." He whispered, barely audible and Callan carried him in his palm, back to the lab table where he left Molly.

Molly looked over at Callan, seeing him carrying a Tiny but she couldn't see the face. She could tell it was a child though, and she stood back up from where she was sitting. "Can I help at all?" She asked softly as Callan placed the small boy on the table.

Molly went over to the child and gave him a small, kind smile. "Hello there. My name is Molly and-"  She stopped when the boys eyes turned to her, and her own eyes widened. She'd know those brown teary eyes from anywhere. She simply couldn't believe it.


His Little Doll ((G/T))Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon