Chapter Seventeen

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Very slowly, Callan began to explain. "My name is Callan Harrah. I am a member of the federal government, FBI. I began working here only as a cover to try and get enough information on your kind, and all these experimentation's, considering they are not government approved. And they are definitely not what we would do. Your kind are being treated like animals, and we'd make sure they were treated like beings."

Molly blinked a few times, looking up at him. "R-Really? FBI?" Not believing her ears, she looked down to try and take it all in. "I-I don't think I understand." She mumbled as she put her head in her hands, leaning into the soft fabric of his shirt.

"Just, let things fall into place, alright?" The human murmured as he placed her back inside the cage, closing it. "By the way, when all this is taken care of, I have a surprise for you." He smiled a bit. "Just hang out in here, no one will hurt my little doll as long as I have a say in it."

Locking the cage, Callan turned away and walked off, running thing through his mind. He was supposed to report back to the headquarters today as well, but he couldn't leave little Molly here without him. These people were cruel, he could tell. Then what should do? Risk taking her and blowing his cover? He couldn't do that yet, it took weeks to get this far. He needed a well thought out plan. Perhaps he could just lie, say something about Molly to his 'boss' then take her with him to report back. It might just work, so lets find out.

"Mr.Miller?" Callan went over to the man behind a desk who glanced at him from behind his rectangular glasses. 

"What is it Callan?" His boss mumbled, setting down the papers he was writing on and adjusted his glasses before turning his attention to him.

"I wanted to know if I could take Molly with me, back home. Here, she is much different, more scared. I thought maybe I could test her, to try and see why." He folded his arms over his chest, furrowing his brow. 

"Hmm. Interesting. Very well then, take her. See what happens, then bring her back and record the changes. Thank you Callan." Mr. Miller turned his attention back to his papers and Callan swiftly left the room and let out a small sigh of relief, until he heard the scream. 

While Callan was gone, a male scientist had grabbed her and strapped her to a table, using a scalpel to cut into her arm. She let out a blood curdling shriek of pain, hoping maybe Callan would hear her and come to the rescue for another time.

As the man's hand was brought back up with the scalpel, she shut her eyes tightly and whimpered in fear, her arm throbbing. When nothing hit her, she opened her eyes to see Callan holding the scalpel to the man's neck. "If you ever lay a hand on her again, I will use this to slit your throat, and watch as you choke on your own blood." He said with a growl, dropping the scalpel and looked at him with fear in his eyes before running off, and Callan looked at Molly who had her eyes shut, her arm covered in her own blood. "Hold on Doll, let me help you. Hold still." He whispered softly.

With a small nod, Molly did the best she could to ignore the throbbing pain in her arm. She could feel the human unstrapping er from the table, and winced as his large finger ran over her arm gently. "I-It hurts." She whimpered out, tears in her eyes.

"I know little one. Let me help you." He whispered gently as he looked around, grabbing a lab coat and ripped a very tiny piece off, wrapping it her arm as delicately as he could. "When we get to headquarters, I'll make sure you get cleaned up and bandaged properly by our own scientists. Just try and rest now alright?" He scooped her into his palm, leaving the lab as fast as he could, tensing by the guards but they paid no mind to him as he left and got into his car, placed the Tiny in the cup holder then drove off.

Molly curled up on the hard surface, her other hand holding her arm the best she could. He saved her, again. The first time from Jess, and now from a scientist. Unable to help it, a smile spread across her face. This man truly cared about her, and she loved it. She loves him. Feeling rather drowsy, most likely from blood loss, she allowed herself to close her eyes and fall asleep to the purr of the car's engine as her giant guardian drove.

Callan's hand were tight on the steering wheel as he drove down a dark alley, turning down a dirt path through a bunch of trees. Glancing down, he could see Molly's eyes closed and tensed before he saw the small rise and fall of her chest, hinting she was just asleep. Thankfully, he got there in time before she lost too much blood. Looking back ahead, he watched the cabin come into view and took another breath, stopping the car and scooped Molly out of the cup holder carefully, making sure he didn't wake her as he got out of the car and walked up to the broken down house.

He was glad the group chose this place. It was old looking on the outside, but they fixed up the inside quite a bit. There was a room for a small lab, a few bedrooms, a living area and also a small kitchen. Glancing down to Molly, he gave her a soft smile even if she couldn't see it. He truly cared for this tiny, and scolded himself for the cruel treatment he had given her a few days ago.

Walking into the building, he was greeted by a smiling dark haired woman with very bright teeth, dressed in a white t-shirt and blue jeans, her brown eyes shining happily. "Callan! It's wonderful to see you, how's everything been? Would you like some tea? Coffee maybe?" 

"Kara, please. I'm here for business, not pleasure. Where's Mr. Lockshire? I must speak with him, and keep your voice down." He mumbled, cupping his hand to his chest and motioned to Molly with his other hand, Kara turning her gaze to the Tiny.

"Oh dear, she's quite lovely isn't she? And blond, looks to be your type eh? Did you find a little girlfriend?" She grinned and Callan simply rolled his eyes, giving her a look he always gave her when it wasn't the right time for jokes. "Alright, alright. The boss is in the lab on the computer, he was sending an email back to the others."

"Thank you." He mumbled. "Oh, and I'll take a coffee." He smiled slightly and he headed out of the room, going to see what exactly he was to do about this.

His Little Doll ((G/T))Where stories live. Discover now