Chapter Six

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First things first, I'm only on chapter six, and I have 37 votes! You guys have no idea how much that means to me, and you can bet I can't stop smiling reading feedback! Also, if you have ANY suggestions on where this story could go, PM (private message) me!


Once Callan made sure his pet was in her house and asleep, he made his way back to the kitchen to clean up from dinner. He had been trying to push away the feeling of guilt for some time, but he couldn't. Though, he had been ignoring it quite well. 

While washing the pan he used to cook the steak, his cell phone rang and he looked at the number before a smile crossed his face as he answered. "Jess, how are you? How have you been?" He asked his older sister as he dried his hands off.

"I've been good Callan. But I need a favor. You don't work tomorrow right? I need someone to babysit Samantha. I know it's short notice, but I got called in to work tomorrow, you know, being a nurse can be much harder than you'd think."

Chuckling lightly, he walked to the living room as they talked. "Sure thing, you know I love my niece. And yes, I'm off. Don't worry, it's fine. What time would you bring her over?" Callan asked as he seated himself on the couch, putting one arm behind his head.

"Around noon, is that okay? And then I'd pick her up sometime around 9:00 p.m. If that doesn't work you can tell me." Jess mumbled, a little girl on the other end talking in the background. "I swear, this five year old..." 

"Jess, remember what I told you, deep breaths. And noon to nine sounds just great. I'll see you and her then right?" 

"Yeah, yeah, I got to go. She's got her toys everywhere and- Ow! Stupid, doll shoes!" Jess hung up, Callan laughing quietly to himself as he put his phone back in his pocket, standing up and went to the kitchen to finish cleaning up.

"I'm sure Molly and her will get along just fine." He hummed to himself, knowing how the child actually is.

"Molly, hurry, take your little brother and get out of here!" Molly's father whispered to her, handing little Keith to her. 

"What about you and mom?" She demanded quietly, holding the young boy close to her as he trembled, clinging tightly onto her shirt.

"We'll be right behind you, just hurry. I don't know how the humans found us but they did, just go!" Her father lightly shoved her, and Molly took off running through the tall grass, dodging others trying to get away. 

"B-Big sister..?" Keith looked at her as he clung tightly to her.

"Shh, be quiet. We'll be fine okay? Just hold on, I promise." Molly muttered before she heard voices, causing her to stop in her tracks.

"Are you sure this is where you saw the little people?" A male human chuckled as another shoved him.

"I'm not crazy, I know what I saw!" 

Molly froze, running to a bush and set Keith down. "Shh, stay right here, and be quiet." She whispered as Keith held her hand tightly, tears running down his face.

"B-Big sis, I-I'm scared.." He looked at his sister, pure terror in his eyes, Molly's heart wrenching at the sight.

She knew she couldn't put him in any danger, and as the humans grew closer, she knew she had to do something. "Stay right here. I'm going to go get help." She looked at her brother, kissing his forehead before taking off out of the bush, heart hammering. 

"Hey, there goes one now!" The second man shouted, Molly having to cover her ears for only a second but kept running, suddenly bumping into something.

With a grunt, she fell backwards and looked around, realizing that some woman had put a glass jar over her. She was trapped.

Bolting upright from the bed, Molly panted, looking around the room, sweat making the fabric of the dress stick to her skin. Taking in her surroundings, she remembered. Her Master, the dollhouse, the store. 

The dream stuck in her mind, her brothers scared face sticking there. She hadn't had a nightmare in a while, let alone one showing that one night. Slowly, she stood up from the bed, walking over to her window and peeked out. The giant room outside was dark, it must still be the middle of the night, or early morning. But when she turned around, a loud beep made her clamp her hands over her ears, wincing. 

Callan's eyes snapped open at the sound of the alarm, which he reached over to the nightstand beside the dollhouse, shutting it off and sat up with a groan. He hadn't slept very well, the pillow wasn't as soft as it should have been. He'd have to buy a new one later.

"Molly, wake up." He commanded, tapping the window of the dollhouse and stood up from his bed, a little voice answering inside.

"I-I am up." She sounded slightly scared, but it had to have been the alarm. 

"Oh, good. I have to take a shower, I suggest you do the same. And change your dress afterwords, before breakfast. Leave your hair down but curl it." Callan spoke as he stretched, making is voice slightly strained for only a moment before he then walked to his own bathroom, which was built into his bedroom.

Molly repeated his instructions in a quiet, mocking voice and went to the bathroom, closing the turquoise curtains and turned the water on. As the water was running, his voice made her jump slightly, but what he said shot a small panic through her.

"Oh, by the way, my niece will be coming over today. She's five. I hope you get along well."

"A five year old human girl?" Molly mumbled to herself, stripping down out of the red dress and grabbed a towel and soap before she sunk into the warm water up to her neck. 

She knew human children weren't very careful. Would he let her hurt her? What if she did get hurt? So many thoughts swan through Molly's mind as she cleaned herself off, then got her head wet, washing her hair. "I have to just relax." She murmured to herself, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. "Everything will be just fine."

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