"Aria, darling, so good to see you again. I was just talking to your mother this very morning, and we both agreed this Saturday is best for the engagement. I was just telling Justin here ..."

Whatever else she said got muted out by the roar of distress that filled my ears, blocking out sounds altogether. I was only thankful my screams had been limited to my head. My wide beam of welcome wavered before it flickered out altogether. I tossed a desperate and bewildered look at Justin, only to have him return a rueful one as he moved to pull out a chair for me.

I sat down abruptly, feeling more than a little winded.

"I hope you don't mind, darling, but I took the liberty of ordering the food earlier," said Justin with a charming grin as if that were the most important thing they had been discussing without me. Why was I here at all if my meal and my wedding were already being decided?

"What would you like to drink, darling?"


"The waiter," said Justin pointedly. "He's waiting for your order."

I threw him a frumpy, flabbergasted look. This, he waits for me to decide. My choice of drinks. I turned a relatively calm face towards the waiter and said, "Surprise me."

With barely a flicker of reaction, the waiter was gone, and his efficiency had to be admired for an unusual looking drink was placed in front of me only a short while later, possibly from an order that had been returned if the speed of the service was anything to go by. I took a tentative sip and had to choke back a cough from the strong alcohol content in the deceptive looking pink drink. I raised wary eyes to meet those of the waiter. The sympathetic glimmer in his explained it all. He was aware of the choice of conversation at this table, and why wouldn't he be? Mrs Kay was hardly whispering her plans for my upcoming nuptials.

My meal came shortly after, but I found my appetite had taken flight. Picking about my plate, I listened on with ever growing horror to the mammoth of wedding plans being laid out before me. Mrs Kay and my mum had apparently been busier than me this morning.

The conversation flowed freely between mother and son with me only chipping in when required. I felt exhausted just listening to them.

"Well, first things first, we need to get you a dress," said Mrs Kay, staring purposefully at me. "With only four days left, we're running it pretty close. Would you like to make the selection? If not, I will need your measurements."

"I-I ..."

"46-34-48," volunteered Justin incorrigibly.

"What? No!" I exclaimed indignantly. But Justin's knowing smirk didn't subside. I glared at him before reluctantly agreeing to select my own dress.

"I'll take her shopping with me. I need a new suit, too. It is my engagement, after all. Plus, we need to get a ring," said Justin, volunteering his services readily.

I mumbled some suitable reply to that then promptly rose to my feet.

"Umm, ... I gotta go. Work and all," I muttered, feeling more than a little tipsy from my drink.

"Yeah, I need to be getting back, too. I'll drop you off."

I shifted impatiently, waiting for the Kays to finish with their farewells, but then, Justin's hand slid down my back to settle around my waist, guiding me out and holding me steady at the same time.

I walked hesitantly by his side, torn with a multitude of conflicted emotions.

"I-I can manage," I mumbled out as we cleared the restaurant's entrance. Stepping out into the open, I dragged in a desperate breath, needing the fresh air to chase away that feeling of suffocation.

A Love Like OursWhere stories live. Discover now