Chapter 16: In the Basement

Start from the beginning

I was still waiting for another shipment, yes I had eaten my supply of cookies already hehe.

Once I had found the cookies from the kitchen, haha silly Roger, thinking he can hide cookies from me MWAH HAHAHAHHAHAH!!! Anyways, as I was saying, once I had found the cookies I went back down to the basement, making sure Near wasn't anywhere in sight.

I was sure I had forgotten my iPod down there, because I couldn't find it. Well either that or Matt/Mello/Blaze have stolen it.

I made my way down slowly, holding out the torch in front of me so my imagination didn't start making me see things in the dark.

I saw something sparkle when I swung the torch around the room, I pointed the torch back at the area from where the sparkle had come from and saw something shiny underneath a pile of boxes.

OOH SHINY!!! MUST HAVE!! I ran up to the boxes and started throwing them out of the way to reach the shiny thing. 

I removed the last box to reveal an authentic replica of the Master Sword from LoZ. "Oh My Gosh, Oh My Gosh, Oh My Gosh, Oh My Gosh, Oh My Gosh, Oh My Gosh, Oh My Gosh, Oh My Gosh!!!!!"

I grabbed the sword and started jumping up and down and then I fell onto the floor and declared my love for the floor. And then proceeded to run around the basement about five times. (A.N. This is what happens when I get EXTREMELY hyper, trust me I know from experience, haha)

I ran all the way back up to my room from the basement, as fast as I could. Which was pretty fast considering my hyperness level at the moment.

"I AM LINK!!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled as I ran into our room swinging my sword manically. I ran over to Matt and picked him up. Carrying him bridal style.

"Don't worry Zelda! I have come to save you!!!!" I said looking down at Matt. My head whipped 'round to face Mello "DIE GANONDORF!!!!!!!" I screamed 

"Oh God! Who let you have a sword?!" Matt asked before trying to take it off me. I had to put him down so I didn't drop the sword.

"No one! I found it!!!!!! MWAH HA HA" I exclaimed while running around the room. 

"Just don't kill anyone!" Matt told me

"Hahhaha don't worry I wont! ... or will I?!"

I went to try and cut Mello's chocolate in half with my sword but Mello firmly grabbed my wrist and glarred at me. Better not try that again HAHAHHA!

 A thought just occured to me. I have a sword! I have a sword!!!!! And Near just locked me in a basement!!!!! GUESS WHO'S GETTING REVENGE?! MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I ran out of the room and towards Near's room, swinging my sword. 

As quietly as I could I opened the door to Near's room, meaning to scare him.

But when I looked into Near's room I saw something very unexpected. Roger and Near were... DUN DUN DUN.....


Yep I bet you're thinking what I'm thinking right now!


NOTE TO SELF: Don't walk into Near's room unnanounced again after this, you may see some things that should never be seen.

I ran back to our room to tell the news to the others.

Matt was sitting in front of the tv playing something on the PS3 and Mello and Blaze appeared to be in Blaze's room.

"Roger and Near sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G!!!!!!!!!" I sang rather loudly.

Matt looked up from his game and Mello and Blaze's heads appeared from the ceiling

"WHAT?!" they all exclaimed in unison

"Hey guys, did you know Roger and Near are like together now?! hahaha"

"You're not serious are you?" Mello asked

"Sorry but it's the complete truth! Go to Near's room if you want proof" I said

So we made our way to Near's room and exactly as I had said they were still there, you know, like kissing....

"Ewww!" Matt exclaimed

"OMG THIS IS SO GOING ON YOUTUBE!" Blaze said, excited


Blaze pulled out her camera and started filming this, while Mello and Matt had retreated back to the hallway. Looks of disgust on their faces.

"There's like a 100 year difference between them......" Matt whispered 

"Well, knowing Near this is the only action he'll ever get!" Mello replied.

"So that's how he's getting all those great scores...." I said

"I always knew he was Roger's favourite" Mello said

"Haha, are you jealous Mello?" I said, winking at Mello

"EWWW, NO WAY!!!" Mello almost shouted.

We heard a noise come from Near's room and Blaze ran over to us. "They heard you!" She whispered frantically

"Uh oh.... RUN!!" 

We all ran as fast as we could to get away from Near's room. I heard footsteps so I dived behind a plant pot and hoped that Roger or Near would not see me. Mello had hidden with Blaze in a crevice in the hallway and Matt was crounched up on a window sill, just out of sight. 

They looked around but luckily didn't see us, Roger left after that and Near went back to his room.

We ran back to our room quickly just in case they came back.

OMG I could not believe what we had just saw. MWAH HA HA >:)

And now kiddies that is my proof that Roger is a pedo and NEar is a reverse pedo! TOld you he was a pedo sheep, I mean just look at that pic of him smiling (look to your right, hehe its over there ---->)

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