Chapter 17: Christmas

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I ran and jumped on Matt's bed and then on Mello's, almost accidentally jumping on them but it did wake them up! As I was hoping for. 

"WAKE UP, WAKE UP, WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAYAYAYAYAY" I was very happy today and I needed Mello and Matt to get their lazy butt's out of bed!

"LINK! SHUT UP!!!!!!!" Mello yelled annoyed at me. He turned to face me and glared at me, you know that kind of glare that makes you think that the person is a crazy cereal killer! I swear that Mello looked like he could have massacred thousands of innocent cocopops at that moment.

I pulled the covers off of them both, in an attempt to wake them up.

Matt just pulled the covers back over him and rolled over, facing away from me as I attempted to get them up. "Hmmnnnnhh....." Matt said/groaned, still half asleep

I shook him awake. "C'mon! It's 5 o'clock!!! WAKE UP DON'T GO BACK TO SLEEP!!!!!!!!!!" I said.

"WHy?!" Matt asked, turning over to look at me, he was obviously annoyed that I had woken him up so early.

I hoped off his bed and onto the floor. 

"Because ITS A SPECIAL DAY TODAY!!!!!one!!1!!1!!1!eleven" I said to both of them.

"Urgh, I forgot..... let me sleep" Matt said sleepily. Haha he was so silly, why would I let him sleep on a day such as this?!


"LINK STOP YELLING!!!!" Mello shouted murderously at me.

"FINE!!!!!!! but please get up or Near will steal all your presents!'  Now that got Mello out of bed >:)


I dragged Matt out of bed and down to the hall to where our presents were. Even if I didn't get many presents I didn't care. It was better than usual. And it was Christmas! How could they expect me not to wake up at 5?!

Some kids were already down there, including Blaze. I had told her to go down and I'll get Mello and Matt up, but it took longer than I thought.

"What took you so long?" Blaze asked 

"These two," I pointed to Mello and Matt, "were so lazy they couldn't get out of bed! And on Christmas too!!!!"



I looked over at both of them, Mello seemed more awake so he went over to speak with Blaze but Matt looked as if he were about to collapse. 

And he almost did, had I not caught him.

"Gosh, you're tired! I told you staying up on Christmas Eve wasn't a good idea!!! ....i'll get some coffee"

I ran off to fetch Matt some coffee, I hated the stuff but apparantly he liked it and it would help him wake up. I, on the other hand, got a hot chocolate, which tasted much better!!!! OMM NOM NOM!!!!

I returned to find Matt lying on the floor, sleeping. While Mello and Blaze were talking and didn't even notice him. I woke him up and gave him the coffee, well it was effective in waking him up :)

Everyone at Wammy's gets a present or two at Christmas and then you can buy each other presents if you save your money. I had saved the money I had earned from the allowances we got and the work in the kitchens, although I don't think I'm allowed to work there anymore after I made that toaster explode. But it was only a toaster!!! Okay a toaster and a microwave..... and I may have set fire to the oven....and filled the dishwasher with potatoes... BUT ENOUGH TALK OF DRAGONS!!!

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