"Do you love' my son?" My mom asks Vanessa.

"Yes, although sometimes I feel as if he can care less about me," she states truthfully. It was the truth nonetheless. You try dealing with Vanessa on a daily basis. It get so tiring after awhile to the point where it's like draining you of life and freedom. She's so clingy and needy, and there isn't an ounce of independent on her. She relies solely on people and what they think of her. It's just irritating. I lean my head against the headboard and press my back up against it as well to get somewhat comfortable while continuing to eavesdrop.

"He loves you, I see it in the way he looks at you," My mother reassures her. Then it hit me. I can't remember the last time I looked at Vanessa and truly felt feelings or deep feelings. The feeling of love. I've been with Vanessa longer than I can even remember and I don't even remember exactly. I hadn't said I love you, I hadn't even felt it. So my mother shouldn't be speaking for me, filling her head with lies.

"How long are you staying, dear?" My mother ask changing the subject of Luke and my so called love for Vanessa.

"Just a couple days. Leaving Tuesday." Vanessa responds. Thank God! A sigh of relief slips from my mouth.

"How's photography school going?" My mother asks.

"Actually really great with the shots I got here. I'm thinking about entering a contest there when I get back. Winner gets their photos posted in a high fancy gallery." She says excitedly.

"Good for you doll. I'm so proud of you. Just know I'm always rooting for you." My mother trails off, "Breakfast?"

"Thanks, mom," She jokes and I hear my mother laugh genuinely.

I hear shuffling and pans moving. Cabinets opening and closing. The two share small talk and I decide to sink back in my bed not ready to face them quite yet. I grab my phone to check my notifications. To my surprise, I had nothing, no messages. Not even one from Luke. This unpleasant feeling grew in my stomach as I sunk deeper under the quilt of my bed.

Who's my mother and Vanessa to judge Luke? They don't know him; I don't even know him. No one does, maybe Ashton and Michael do, maybe even Tyler. I cringe at the thought of Tyler. I've always hated the kid. Since my first day of school on Thursday. Never trust men who wear uggs, never. He fucked Luke and something deep inside me rumbled with anger. Just imagining them touching so intimately with each other made my skin want to crawl.

I check my phone again in hope of some kind of message from anyone but to no prevail. No message shown. No type of notification actually. I laid deep in my bed, under the covers in Luke's side with his sweater clung to my chest.

My phone read 2:30 when I had decided to check the time moments later. Where had the morning gone? I threw the quilt to the side of me finally deciding that it was time for me to make my appearance.

I walked out of my room, down the hall passed the living room completely ignoring all the laughter and conversation flowing out of that room from my mother and girlfriend.

I just wanted food, and a lot of it actually. I just wanted to shove everything in my face to get this unsure feeling out of me. I couldn't pinpoint what I was feeling, or what I was exactly feeling it for, but I wanted and desperately needed for it to go away.

As I open the fridge, almost on cue Vanessa walked into the kitchen and wrapped herself from behind me.

"Afternoon, babe," she whispered in my ear and kissed my cheek.

"Afternoon," I mutter back.

"Hungry?" She ask with a huge grin on her face. I shake my head as in saying yes. She looks at me again with that huge grin and I shoot her a questioning look?

Unpredictable | Luke Hemmings & Calum Hood. (Cake/5SOS)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें