Chapter 1

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I was watching lacrosse practice with a new acquaintance -that's a new word a learned, it means some I don't really know- Mason. I've been here a week. Malia got someone to enroll me in school at Beacon Hills High School. Mason was in most of my classes ,he's a freshman like me. He tried to talk to me the first day but I ignored him until Lydia explained to me that cooties weren't real and called me an innocent child. 

"But my brother said boys were bad and my mom agreed and said that they had cooties." I told her. 

"How old were you?" She asked. 

"I was this many." I told her holding up five fingers. She just nodded like that explained everything.

'What else don't I know?' I thought.

On the field in front of me now, there was a guy in basically a net trap. Every ball the other players threw at him ,he caught.

"Why is he catching the balls?" I asked Mason as the guy in the trap caught a ball.

"That's what's he supposed to do." Mason told me.

"Why is he the only one in that net trap?" I asked. When he was quiet for a bit, I looked over at him. He looked at me with a look I didn't understand. "What?"

"You've never seen a lacrosse game ,have you?" Mason asked. I shook my head.

"They didn't have it where I come from." I tell the half truth. It wasn't a lie though.

"Oh well he's the goalie. He's supposed to stop the ball from going to the net or the other team would get a point." He explained.

"That's bad ,right?"

"Yes. If the other team gets points then they can win." I didn't really get it but I nodded.

I saw Scott and Stiles walk to the field ,they were watching the guy in the net trap. I watched the guy that was in the net trap as well. He kept catching the balls and setting them down even though there were two people throwing balls at him. I'm guessing this means he's good. 

"Who the hell is that?" I heard Stiles ask Scott. 

Then the guy took of the thing covering his head that Mason said was a helmet. 

Oh my goodness, some off the people I have seen recently are pretty attractive but him ,goodness gracious.

He had blonde hair that was spiking up. He had nice tan skin. He also obviously had muscle since he was playing sports. 

I felt a hand under my chin ,lifting it up so I closed my mouth. I looked over at Mason to see he had a smirk on his face. 

"What?" I asked. 

"You like him." Mason stated. I scoffed. 

"Nice, Liam. You might just be our first ever freshmen captain." One of the guys that was throwing balls at the net trap told the guy that had been catching the balls. 

(Third Person POV)

After practice was over, Skylar went down to Scott and Stiles. They were sharing a look She didn't understand. 

"Hey, guys." Skylar said ,getting their attention. 

"Hey, Skylar." Scott greeted.

"Come with us." Stiles grabbed her arm as they walked in the direction of the school. 

"Why are you bringing her?" Scott asked. 

"She could smell him or something." Stiles said. Skylar furrowed her eyebrows at them. They were talking about her as if she wasn't right there.

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