The Wedding |9|

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The afternoon that had started so positive got negative after this reveal. Mitch was passive aggressive, not saying much, only talking when he was talked to.

Avi on the other side had calmed down after his initial breakout. He trusted Eva to find another location for them. But his mood was damped as well.

So after their guests had left, Mitch retired to the living room immediately, his eyes glued onto the screen of his phone.

"Babe do you want a glass of wine or something?" Avi asked him once he had cleared the table. "Some comfort food?"

"No" Mitch replied not even looking up once.

Avi sighed and sat down next to him, putting an arm around him. "Babe" he said softly. "Don't be like that, please. Nothing did something wrong."

Mitch put down his phone. "I know, but it is just awful. I thought we had everything together, that we could really enjoy the last weeks before our wedding and now we have to reschedule everything" he lamented.

"We don't need to reschedule everything, Babe" Avi replied.

Mitch rolled his eyes. "Right, I forgot, it's just the location, nothing more. Just the biggest thing on our list" he sassed.

"I know that it sounds huge right now, but we'll do it, Babe. Eva is probably already searching for alternatives. And even if we don't find a location, we'll just get married here, in our garden. You know that I'd marry you everywhere. We just need us and Kevin" Avi said and pecked Mitch's cheek softly. "Don't fret, Babe. We'll get married. I won't let this possibility slip away. This possibility to become your husband."

Mitch smiled slightly, it was a small smile, yet it was enough for Avi. "Do you really think we'll make it?" He asked his fiancé. "That we'll find a new location?"

Avi nodded. "Definitely. I am positive that we will find something, that Eva will find something. You'll see, she will call us tomorrow or the day after. And then we will take a look at them and choose one" he explained.

Mitch smiled at him. "I believe you" he said. "And even though the new location will be different, who knows what we'll find there."

"We'll make it work" Avi agreed and pecked Mitch's lips once more. "And now no more sulking, Babe. Let me carry you upstairs. A bath, maybe? Or shall we skip that bath and head to bed?"

Mitch bit his lip. "I love the way you think, Lovebeard" he said. "We shall skip the bath. Take me there, Love."


In the end Avi was right. The next afternoon Eva called him, telling him that she had already found one location and was searching for more, but that she'd need another day or two. Yet, she wanted to give the couple the first address to look at the location, hoping that they would be able to decide quickly.

"Babe?" Avi called upstairs once he had received the text with the address.

"What it is, Lovebeard?" Mitch called back from his closet where he was busy putting laundry away.

"Eva just called, she has found one location and sent me the address already" Avi called back.

Mitch immediately put everything down he had when he heard those words. "I'm coming" he called back down and then ran down the stairs. "Are we heading out immediately?"

Avi chuckled. "Of course we are" he said. "I know you can't wait to go there and I can't either. "Starbucks and then we'll be on the road? It's a little bit further out the city so it will take us a while."

Mitch nodded, already putting on his shoes. "Yes, Starbucks and then the location."


"Oh my..." Avi gasped when he saw the buildings for the first time. "Is this it?"

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