A Wedding |5|

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October 18. The day has finally come.

Avi hums a sweet melody to himself as he combs his hair to fit it into this signature bun and uses a ton of hairspray to get rid of any stray babyhairs.

"Hand me the can, there are some on the back of your head." Mitch has entered the room coming from the bathroom. He carefully takes care of the hair until he's satisfied with the way his boyfriend looks. "You're good to go, handsome" he comments and beams when Avi turns around to press a kiss on his lips.

"Thank you, dear" he says, looking at his watch. "I'll head out now, I want to be at Esther's early. I'll see you at the ceremony?"

"Yes, Babe" Mitch returns, stealing another kiss from his boyfriend.

Avi smiles slightly. "I'm looking forward to see you there, even if it will be different" he explains.

"I know, I know" Mitch returns. "But I'll be with Scott, it will be alright. Plus you'll have so much to do today with your family and everything that you won't be able to miss me."

"Probably...!" Avi kisses Mitch's cheek once more. "I love you. Don't forget the tissues."

"I won't. Bye Avi."


Half an hour later, Mitch is ready as well, waiting for Scott to pick him up. Since they both don't really have their partners to go with them, they decided to go together.

"Hello, Mitchie" Scott calls when Mitch sits down inside the car next to him. "You're looking good!"

"Thank you, she's wearing make-up" Mitch returns.

"I see. I just hope it's waterproof" Scott remarks, a grin on his face.

Mitch squints his eyes at his best friend, yet he cannot help but laugh. "Of course it is" he returns. "And if you're nice, I'll give you a tissue or two, because you're going to need it!"

Scott giggles. "Well I'm sure that I'll need it. I'm a sensitive guy."

"You sure are and we loves it a lot!"

Half an hour later Mitch and Scott arrive at the location of the wedding. Early on, Esther and Darien had decided that they would want their wedding to be set in the nature. So they found the perfect location outside of the city at a huge estate with possibilities to celebrate both inside and outside.

"It's beautiful" Scott remarks as he parks the car and the friends get out, looking at the building and the huge garden where everything is prepared, for the ceremony.

"Hey, nice to see you again" they are greeted by Avi. "You're early." He quickly hugs Scott and then pecks Mitch's lips swiftly.

"They're not here, yet" he says when Mitch wants to protest. "You look gorgeous, dear, I just wanted to tell you."

Mitch smiles brightly and he feels his cheeks heat up. "Thank you, handsome" he returns.

"You're welcome" Avi says. He turns around when he hears cars approaching. "I think this is my cue to do my job, I need to welcome the guests. You feel free to take wander around or take a seat. There are refreshments on the terrace if you're thirsty. Just be back by the time the ceremony starts."

"We will, Avi, thank you very much" Scott says.

The two of them wander around for a while, looking at the location and are in awe. Everything is decorated so beautifully. Esther really took care of everything in that aspect.

"Mitch, Scott! You're already here!"

Mitch and Scott turn around when they hear the familiar voice and both smile when they see their bubbly blonde best friend and her fiancé standing in front of them.

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