The Wedding |5|

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It was a few days later when Eva called the couple again, wanting to meet up once more. She told them that she had found a few locations she had wanted to show them and wanted to go through some other things as well.

Since they didn't have much to do, they invited her over once more to talk to her, both eager to find out what she had to show them.

"Come on in, Eva" Avi greeted her this time. "I hope you like cake? We were in the mood to bake earlier on. We made strawberry tartelettes."

Eva nodded. "Yes, definitely! I love strawberries" she said. "But you didn't have to prepare something just for me."

"Well, we didn't do it just for you" Mitch chimed in as he exited the kitchen with cups in his hand. He winked at her. "We just had some time and wanted to do something productive. And now come on, they're delicious and I cannot wait to dig in."

Avi nodded and lead Eva outside on the patio where they had prepared everything for a nice coffee.

"Coffee or tea?" Mitch asked. "Or something cold? We have water, Red Bull, wine, beer, oj?"

"Red Bull would be awesome, thank you very much, Mitch" Eva said and smiled at the young man brightly. "Do we want to eat the cake first or shall I show you the locations first?"

"Both are rather tempting" Avi said and chuckled.

"Yeah but I think she deserves some cake first" Mitch said. "I think she has worked a lot for us already." He sat down a can of Red Bull in front of her and handed Avi his cup of coffee.

"Well, you're paying me for my work, of course I try to do my very best" Eva explained herself. "But if you don't mind, I'll take some cake first. Because those tartelettes look damn delicious."

Mitch giggled. "Thank you" he said and leaned over to put one of the small tartelettes on her plate. "Oh I forgot to ask. Do you prefer a glass for your Red Bull or do you just drink it straight from the can?"

Eva looked at him and shook her head slightly. "I drink it from the can, obviously" she said sarcastically.

"Oh she is sassy" Mitch said. "I like. I hope you can keep up with me, henny."

Avi chuckled. "No one can keep up with you" he said. "But that's what I love about you. One of your best traits."

"My sass?" Mitch asked. "That's one of your favourite traits of me?"

"Well, I love almost everything about you, so..." Avi started and shrugged his shoulders.

"And I love the way you're being so adorable with each other" Eva interrupted the couple. "I mean, I see a lot of couples wanting to get married and most of them are obviously in love, but you definitely are something else. And I mean this in a positive way."

Mitch smiled at her. "Thank you very much" he said. "I'm glad that people see us like that. I mean... that's just us on a 24/7 basis. I don't know how we still are so in love that it shows that much, but I just couldn't care less."

Eva chuckled. "You shouldn't care. Keep being in love and show it the way you want it, because this is what makes a great love. I am sure that both of you are in this for the rest of your lives and I wish everyone, me included, that they're going to be that happy with their significant other" she explained and sighed softly. "Anyway, we're drifting away from the actual topic: The tartelettes."

Avi nodded. "I agree. On everything you've said. So dig in, I hope you'll like it!"

"This was one of the most delicious strawberry tartelettes I've ever had" Eva commented as popped the last of the red fruits in her mouth. "They're wonderful. What's your secret ingredient?"

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