A Wedding |4|

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After a good night's sleep, Avi gets ready to grab some brunch with his family before heading to his next dancing lesson with Mitch.

He's the last to arrive at the café, his parents, Esther and Darien are already sitting outside the café on the huge terrace.

"Good morning" he greets them warmly and goes around to hug everyone. 

"Good morning... where's Mitch?" Shelley asks with concern evident in her voice.

"He's at home, filming for YouTube with Scott" Avi explains. "Since we have a dancing lesson later and want to go out afterwards they need to get it done."

Shelley breathes out audibly. "That's good..."

"Yeah, it is. Why are you asking though, Mum?" Avi returns.

"We talked for a while after you left yesterday and she was scared that our... request would harm your relationship with Mitch" Michael explains.

Avi smiles more and shakes his head. "No, we're fine, don't worry! Well he didn't exactly do a happy dance, but he accepts it" he said, not telling them the details of their talk in the café the last days.

"Look, Avi, I am still sorry that I asked this of you and Mitch" Esther begins.

"It's okay. As I said it before. It's not the ideal solution, but we'll manage, because we're doing this for you, Esther. For your wedding" Avi interrupts her. "And now let's stop all the talk about it, please. I'm hungry and need food and coffee to be fit for my dancing lesson!"


Three hours later, Avi parked his car in front of Mitch's house and got out, because he was half an hour early. He ringed the doorbell and smiled when Scott opened the door for him.

"Hey, Avi, come on in" the blonde greets. "Mitch is upstairs getting ready."

"I figured, I'm quite early after all" Avi returns.

"Never mind, just go up to him, he'll be happy to see you" Scott says.

Avi raises his eyebrows. "Why do you say it like that, Scott?" he wants to know.

Scott sighs. "He told me about what happened yesterday and how he left you. He felt guilty and feared that you took it the wrong way" he explained.

Avi shakes his head. "I didn't. And well... I feel guilty, too" he says. "But I am sure that we'll be okay."

"You certainly are" Scott says. "Now go up to him, I have to start editing the video anyway." He winks at Avi and disappears into the living room.

Avi hurries up the stairs and smiles when he sees that Mitch's bedroom door is open, revealing the young singer standing in front of the full sized mirror wearing only a pair of dark grey pants while holding up two different shirts, seemingly trying to decide on one.

"You should take the burgundy one" he says quietly to not scare his boyfriend.

Mitch turns around to face his boyfriend and his eyes light up in an instant. "Avi" he exclaims happily before he throws the two garments back on the bed and runs up to his boyfriend, hugging him frantically. "You're already here!"

Avi chuckles. "Of course I am. I mean I am early but I figured we could use the time and talk about what happened yesterday if you want to?" He softly caresses Mitch's cheek.

The smaller man sighs softly. "We probably have to" he says. "But only if I can get a kiss first!"

"You can have all the kisses you want to" Avi returns and leans in to connect their lips.

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