Stargazing [Part 24]

Start from the beginning

"... Sure, shall we go there?" Bryan said with a more happy feelings around him which made you feel relieved.

The both of you then went to a cat cafe, since Bryan's favorite animal is cat. You thought this will be the perfect place to go with him, the foods are also great too.

"Yay, cats!" You shouts as you entered the cafe.

"Haha, you really do like cats." Bryan said as he played with a cat near him.

"Well, so do you! Hehe..." You laughed and took a seat near a cat toy tower(?).

"Oh my gosh, they are so cute, right Bryan?" You rubbed a cat's head who is seating near you.

"Uhuh, very cute, just like you." He smiled sweetly as he stares at the you who is playong with the cat.

"Nah, the cats are cuter." You said nonchalantly.

Just then, someone calls out to you with a familiar voice.


"Huh? Ah, Kashi! Hello!" You stood up and greeted Kashi who is apparently visiting the cat cafe too with Mafumafu and Soraru.

"Hello, you're here alone?" Just when Kashi said that, Bryan coughed a few times to make Kashi notice him.

"A-ah, you're with a friend, sorry." Kashi said rubbing the back of his head a bit.

"Hahaha, yeah. He is a friend from my home country, his name is Bryan." You said, introducing Bryan briefly.

"Uwooh! A foreigner!" Mafumafu suddenly sprung near and shouts.

"Oi, stop emberassing Japan, idiot. And isn't (y/n)-chan a foreigner too?" Soraru said as he smacks Mafumafu on his head lightly.

"Hnn, I know. Umm, eto, eerr, herro, I am Mafumafu desu. Err, naish chu meet you." Mafumafu said blushing a bit.

A/n : italic meaning mafu is speaking in english. (Sorry if Mafu is actually a good english speaker irl 😂)

"Haha, I'm Bryan. Nice to meet you too." Bryan said with a smile.

"Eh, you can use japanese, Bryan?" You said in awe.

"Well, earlier than you at least?" He smirked.

"Muuh! Why did you keep quite about it then! Geez!" You pouted.

"Haha, well, it's easier now right? I'm Soraru, nice to meet you." Soraru said as he offers his hand to Bryan for a handshake.

"Bryan, nice to meet you." Bryan then takes Soraru's hand, but surprisingly he gripped it so hard that Soraru moaned a bit.

"Oops, sorry, I gripped it too hard. Back in my country it's normal you know. I forgot Japanese people are more fragile." Bryan said as he released Soraru's hand.

"Bryan, how could you!" You said angrily.

"It's alright, (y/n)-chan." Soraru said, shaking his hand a bit.

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