3-Beneath the Pane..

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The sunlight streamed in through the window and pierced Dahlia's eyes. She groaned and rolled back over only to find no noise was coming out of her mouth with the groan. Sighing silently, she shook her head. This was the first phase of being bed ridden. For two days she wouldnt be able to speak. Then, for another day she wouldnt be able to walk without trembling. Finally, she would be stuck in bed for at least a week until the worst of the chill had left her system. Then it would be regular pneumonia for the rest of the wintery season. Which wasnt exactly a good thing, but better than not being able to walk. She sat up and shielded her eyes, feeling the cold sun on her arm. Standing, Dahlia went to the window and began pulling the curtains closed when she saw a small black bundle of something on the sill. However, it was on the other side of the window, and she didnt feel like letting in the chill just to see what it was. She frowned a little and shut the curtains quickly.

Jack was perched outside on a nearby branch, waiting excitedly for her to see his gift. Until, of course, she shut the curtains without so much as a second glance at the bundle of herbs. Confused, he glided over to the window and picked up the bundle. Why didn't she see what it was? Maybe she mistook it for something else? Setting the herbs back down, he conjured up a snowball and backed up. With a swift throw, the snowball smashed into the window pane. He grinned and hid half behind a lightpole, waiting.

THUMP! Dahlia froze half way to the closet. Hesitantly, she tread to the window and eased the curtains back slowly. There, on the outer sill, was the remains of a snowball and the same small bundle. Thinking the snow might have fallen off the tree branch just above her window, Dahlia relaxed and closed the curtains again, completely forgetting about the healing plants.

Jack sighed in frustration and disbelief. How could she not realize to look at the herbs? Conjuring up another snow ball, Jack went close and threw it hard against the same pane. He waited..and waited..and waited. Until,finally, he couldnt stand it and thought of another way to show the herbs to her. Pacing back and forth on the telephone wire, he placed a pale hand to his cheek. This girl is impossible. How else could  I give that to her? Suddenly, he knew what to do. He would play it like the humans. Retrieving his present, Jack flew off.

Dahlia Candavere was resting in the bath tub, enjoying a nice hot bath. The cold was still in her lungs, but it was distant now, barely noticeable. Leaning her head back, she closed her eyes. KNOCK. KNOCK. KNOCK. Sighing, Dahlia lifted her head and knocked twice on the tub, a sign that she couldnt talk and to come in. So, in came her little sister Lacie. She was in an over-sized sweater and Jeggings.

"Mommy said this was left on the door for you. She said it was probably trash but I knew it wasnt since it was all wrapped up with this string. Like a present almost." She smiled a little and handed Dahlia the bundle of herbs that now had a small Christmas tree stamp on them. Clever Jack. She took the herbs and looked at the small note attached. Confused, she waved Lacie off. Lacie nodded and shut the door behind her.

To: Girl with Auburn Hair

From: Jack

Put in bath. Healing.

Suspicious, Dahlia sniffed the herbs. She wondered what they were and who this "Jack" person was. However, none of the herbs were poison ivy or oak so she went ahead and threw them into the bath. She watched as the herbs slowly turned the water a faint purple and breathed in. The smell of lavender hit her senses. Almost instantly, she could breathe easy. Her lungs no longer hurt when she breathed. However, the chill was still there. Just glad the pain was gone in her rib cage, Dahlia sighed in content. Leaning back, she day dreamed about having this every day of her illness.

Jack watched as the tall woman with brown/black hair picked up his gift and scoffed at it. She made to throw it on the yard when a small little girl came up and took the package from her. The woman shook her head and closed the door as the girl walked back into the house. Hoping she got the herbs, Jack waited by the window. He listened closely to hear any sign of the girl. After what seemed ages, he heard a door click and a shuffling of feet. Then, a piece of material hitting the floor. Tilting his head, he listened, confused as to what was happening. After some more confusing noises, her heard footsteps coming towards the window. Backing up, he waited.

Suddenly, the blue curtains were pulled back and there she was. Her skin looked healthier, her eyes brighter, and her lips were quirked into an almost smile. Smiling himself, Jack slid out of his hiding spot, completely ecstatic about her being happy.

Then, a gasp. Jack furrowed his brows and looked over at the window and the girl inside. The girl who was staring him right in the face.



Hey guys! This story will be updated every Tuesday evening so keep in touch and Ill let you know when or if I cant update that week. Let me know what you think!


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