1-On a cold winters night...

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The frost knocked on the glass,little snowflakes threatened to seep through the cracks in the windowsill. Dahlia Candavere huddled under heaps of comforters,hiding from the Winter chill that wrapped it's icy claws around her ribs every Winter. She was sixteen now and it was the sixteenth time Winter had forced her into isolation. As if hearing the frosted windows crackle, Dahlia retreated further into her cocoon, burrowing her freezing toes into the blankets. It had only been two weeks since Winter truly kicked in for her little town in Michigan yet she was already colder than an icicle. A fresh blanket of snow covered the ground outside along with her Winter sensitive lungs. Breathing in a shuddered breath, Dahlia felt her lungs rattle, and coughed.

This was going to be a tough season for her body. She could already feel the hard ice set into her rib cage. In a few days she would be lucky if she could get out of bed. A small tap came from her door and she sighed,

"Come in, Lacie."

The dark wood clicked open, and a tiny blonde head peeked out. She looked at Dahlia hesitantly.

"Umm, Mommy wanted me to bring you some soup." She waddled forward, her little body consumed in her nightgown. A giant bowl of chicken soup clutched with both hands threatened to fall forward.

"Lacie, can you just leave it on the dresser right there, please?" Her little sister sighed in relief, but tried not to let it show. After putting the spilled soup down, Lacie practically ran out the door, only stopping for a brief second to ask if Dahlia was okay.

"Big Sis, are you gonna die?" Her tone was innocent and nonchalant. Dahlia smiled wryly.

"No, Lacie. I'm not going to die." Lacie nodded once, and shut the door behind her.

Dahlia groaned and sunk into the down comforter. Glancing at the steaming soup, she grimaced. Food was never appealing when she was sick, especially the typical chicken soup her mother decided to shoved own her throat every chance she got. Without even touching the soup, she curled up in bed,trying to sleep while she wasn't coughing out a lung.


Almost instantly, she was under. The ice broke beneath her bare feet. Her body was engulfed in an icy pain that struck bone deep. Her limbs froze. She couldn't move. As she tried to breathe, the water stormed in, and choked her. Paralyzed, she panicked. The only thing moving was her racing heart, slowly fading. Before blacking out she felt it. Deaths fingers slowly wrapping around her throat and-


Coughing violently, Dahlia shot up in bed. Her entire body was trembling with the cold. Fighting off the coughing fit, she began to ease back into bed. The sheets were soaked in a cold sweat, her auburn hair stuck thickly to the back of her neck. She sighed and pulled the blankets up higher, trying not to shiver from the after effects of the reoccurring nightmare of her Winter illness. As she settled back into comfort, her mind began to ease, and sleep began to claim her once more.


Soft footsteps padded across the wood flooring. Dahlia, however, did not notice the sound or the cool caress on her cheek that left her feeling oddly warmer. She did not see the Winter spirit watching over her that night, for the Sandman had already put her to rest.

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