Chapter Two ~ It feels right

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Phil started to walk away, then stopped. He turned back to look at Dan. "Would you rather that we were together Dan?" Dan blinked. "Like... A couple?" Phil smirked. "If you want Danny boy."
"Phil, I don't have feelings for you." Phil walked back over, sitting close to Dan. "Are you sure?" He asks, wrapping his hands around Dans neck. Dan looks into Phils eyes, then shakes his head. "Phil we've done this before. Nothing happened!"
"That was a long time ago Dan." Phil moves his face closer Dan. Dan can feel his soft breath against his face. "Are you sure you want to do this?" Phil let out a soft chuckle. "Like you said, we've done it before, we can do it again."
Then Phil softly pressed his lips against Dans. Dans eyes widened in shock, before melting into the kiss. But too soon it was taken away. Phil sat back from Dan, waiting for some sort of answer. Dan didn't take his eyes of Phils lips, and he pushed Phil back so he was lying on the couch, before colliding their lips together. Dan wasn't thinking about what he was doing, this just felt right. Dan finally got up, breathing heavily, and running a hand through his now messy hair. Phil bit his lip and smirked, before getting up and going to his room, leaving Dan alone on the couch, still processing what happened.
Hey guys! Please leave a comment telling me what you think of the story so far, and how often I should update. Thanks!

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