Chapter 35: Take A Breath

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Don Diablo & Steve Aoki x Lush & Simon ft. BullySongs - What We Started (Song for Chapter)

So here is today's update.

A bit of a mixed chapter if I'm being honest.

Not totally sure how I think about it.



Chapter 35: Take A Breath

After having a lovely lie in until 10am, Tayte, Noah and I were messing around by the pool. We we're meeting Talina at the reception at 12.15pm to walk to the National Museum which was literally 3 minutes away. I'd just dived into the pool again, Noah and Tayte were sat on the side talking. The cool water made my skin tingle, I sank to the bottom, eyes open and staring up above me. It looked as if there were hundreds of black figures looming above,

Take a breath Keane

Take a breath

Let the water fill your lungs

Don't struggle

It'll only make things worse

I panicked and kicked my legs to shoot myself back above the water but I couldn't, it was as if something was holding me back, as if someone had a tight hold of my ankles. I began to panic even more then and thrashed about. Surely someone could see me. Then a wicked laughter filled my ears as I struggled and kicked. I screamed and water poured its way into my lungs.

Not today Keane

You are not dying today

Arms grabbed me and pulled up.

"Oh My God" Noah said,

   "Keane, babe breathe for me," Tayte said, I felt his lips on mine, air filled my lungs and I took a breath, water spluttered from my mouth. I took some deep shaky breaths, I looked up. Tayte and Noah were staring back at me eyes wide, "You're okay, just breathe for me, nice and easy" He pulled me into him, I coughed a few times,

"What happened?" Noah said, eyes wider as Tayte helped me up and we went into our villa. I sat down, I could feel my whole body shaking, Tayte wrapped his arms around me,

   "I...I couldn't..." I stared at the doorway,

"Keane, babe..." Dad then walked in,

"Everything..." He trailed off and came over quickly, "What's happened, what's wrong?"

"Keane almost drowned Dad. Tayte had to give him the kiss of the life," Noah said with worry.

   "Keane, son" Dad said softly, putting his hand on my knee. I looked at him,

"Something was holding me down...I couldn't get to the surface...I was trying but I couldn't do it" Dad looked at Tayte and Noah,

  "There was nothing in the pool" Tayte said, stroking my arm soothingly.

"They told me to take a breath, to let the water fill my lungs," I shut my eyes and took a deep breath. "I thought I was getting better," Just then Talina and Mum came through the door,

   "Is everything okay?"

"If you count almost drowning as okay then yes," Noah said, I glared at him,

   "Who nearly drowned? Keane?"

"I don't want to do this right now. I'm going to get dry and then we're going to the National museum with Talina" I said standing up,

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