Chapter 25: New Faces

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Conor Maynard  cover - Maroon 5 ft Kendrick Lamar - Don't Wanna Know (Song for Chapter)

Thursday update because I'm on my computer so I thought I'd update whilst also trying to do some assignments, write and watch YouTube videos at the same time. (So basic procrastination)

Dedicated to: Jen Taaffe. For no other reason, apart from being simply awesome.

 Lyrics of the day, Lucy Spraggan's 'Dear You'

A must listen:

"I wanna go back, back to when we were kids, when we didn't know pain could feel like this. When we didn't know hurt and we didn't know risk but we all grew up and I guess that's it,"


Chapter 25: New Faces

I woke up to find the room with a glow dim and a sharp white light that was shining across the way, I quietly and carefully slid out of Tayte's grasp and slid off the bed, Tammara and Noah were flat out,


"Sorry, did I wake you peach?" she said as I walked over,

"No, you didn't"

"Your face looks worse already" She said, "I'm going to seriously kill them if they touch you again," I smiled,

"This is a different side to you Mum"

"When it comes to my family, this is the side you'll see"

"Where's Dad? Have either of you even slept?"

"Don't worry about us, we'll sleep when we need to, Dad is..." she didn't finish her sentence however, as the wall slid open and Dad appeared,

"Dad is here"

"Look at you with all your secret rooms" Dad took my face in his hands,

"This shouldn't have happened" I pulled away,

"Shit happens" Tayte then came up behind me, wrapping his arms around me,

"Did I wake you?" I asked,

"I felt something missing" he said,

"We're going to meet with an accomplice tomorrow, he's called Jackson and he's going to be our go to guy whilst we're in London" Dad said,

"How many days are we planning on staying here?"

"We have a few things to sort out, so until that is dealt with, we will be staying put"

"What's wrong with a nice hotel?" I asked, they smiled,

"We're laying low and staying up top in a hotel isn't the best thing to do"

"I guess this place isn't too bad," Tayte and I headed into the bathroom as Dad's phone rang. Tayte went and did his business and I climbed into the bath and shut my eyes,

"Well you look comfy" I opened my eyes and grinned, I held out my hand and he pulled me out,

"Shit" I groaned, "those ribs are tender"

"I want to kill those bastards, but you were an idiot for doing what you did" he said,

"I'd do it again for any of you" he kissed me. We weren't tired anymore, so Dad who was off the phone, showed us how we could press a button and a glass wall came around the massive sofa and a ceiling came down to sit on top of it, creating a sitting room. The glass also happened to be soundproof, so we could make noise without waking anyone. We were also told that this same thing happened to create two bedrooms and the kitchen,

Beneath The Skies (Book 3 of Running Series)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ