Chapter 18: My Heart Will Go On

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Mick Konstantin - I Wish I Was Jamaican (Song for Chapter)

Dedicated to: The one and only Ash Fanner who is my little baby and I love her so so much! Never change, my partner in crime, I hope we don't do time! Mwah x

So I'm all moved into my new Uni house, ready for year two!

Let the games, begin!


Chapter 18: My heart will go on

Keane's POV

The next morning we awoke at 9am, I sat up,

"Morning handsome" Tayte said, rolling over to face me,

"Good morning babe" I answered smiling,

"Look at this beauty" Noah called running into our room topless,

"You really don't know the meaning of knocking do you?" he smiled,

"Not really...look" he span around to show us his back, where a lovely bruise had formed,

"Is that from when you fell yesterday?" I asked,

"Yep, cool isn't it" we chuckled,

"You're an idiot and that's all I'm saying about the matter"

"Only you bud" Tayte said,

"Okay, I'll leave now. Lolo did tell me not to come running into your room, but you know me, I don't always do as I'm told. We're going down for breakfast in a bit, love you" he said running back out of the room. I sank back down into the covers,

"I might pass on today and stay in bed" I said, Tayte laughed and kissed my nose,

"I don't think Noah will let you do that"

"I know, it just feels like one of those days" I said.

But I got up and we showered in between Noah and Angelo hogging the bathroom and then got dressed and headed downstairs. A note was left on the table along with pastries, fruit and pancakes;

Enjoy breakfast, sorry we weren't with you this morning. We printed the tickets off and they are on the side. Car keys are hanging up. Have a lovely day and we'll see you later ~ Eli and Cassie xxx

"Such cuties" Noah said, as he and Angelo came into the room, "Mmm food," he then said sitting down,

"I'm looking forward to visiting the Titanic museum today" Angelo said,

"Me too," Noah agree, "I have a feeling it's going to be another great day"

"I hope it will be, because at the moment I'd rather be in bed" I said,

"Grumpy guts, cheer up" Noah told me,

"Oi, I'm not grumpy, I'd just rather prefer a day in bed"

"I see your angle" Noah answered, I laughed and cut open a pain au chocolat,"Maybe we'll have to wait until we're back home to do that"

"I think your right"

We divulged into breakfast, and then left the house around 9.50am in Eli's blue Volkswagen Tiguan,

"10 minutes is what they said" Noah announced,

"Yes, but I don't know where I'm going" I told him,

"This car has a built in satnav" he said, I ignored and I started the engine and pulled off,

"You're not going to be moody all day are you?" Tayte asked,

Beneath The Skies (Book 3 of Running Series)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant