Chapter 8: England

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Angus and Julia Stone - Big Jet Plane (acoustic) (Song for Chapter)

Here's the first update of the week!

They are heading to the land of the English!


No dedication or quote today!


Chapter 8: England

We were booked first class on the 19.25pm American Airlines flight to London Heathrow that would get us into London at 9.05am (due to time differences). First though, we were flying economy from LAX to O'Hare International, Chicago, Illinois at 5 past 11. We had an hour to wait until boarding and were killing time having a drink at the bar,

"Are you really upset that we're spending a few days in London?" I said,

"No, of course not, why should I be?"

"Because we're going to Windsor for the week and the cuties are staying in London" Noah said,

"Why are we even bringing this up boys?" Mum asked,

"Forget about it" Noah and I both said,

"Has anyone heard from Arii?" Angelo asked stepping in,

"She seems to have forgotten that we all exist, yet is happy to flood Facebook with pictures" I said,

"She skyped us the other day" Dad said,

"Nice to know" I answered,

"She's busy having fun and trying out new experiences" Mum said,

"It doesn't take two seconds to send a text!" I said,

"Oh leave her be, she's well and enjoying her freedom, you two didn't..." Mum trailed off,

"Didn't what? Didn't keep in contact when we were away traveling?" I said, "So the weekly text to you and monthly calls weren't keeping in contact? We spoke to Noah at least once a day and you have the nerve too..." I didn't even continue speaking, I was wasting my breath. I stood up and then stormed off, Tayte came after without a word.

"Mum, Dad, you know I love you dearly, but sometimes you really say some stupid things. You already know how delicate the whole Arii subject is anyway. Keane is the rock of the family and he always will be" Noah said taking a last sip of his drink and then took Angelo's hand, "We'll see you on the plane"

"Please don't say anything okay, because I don't want to hear whatever it is"

"I wasn't going to, honest," I stopped and looked him, at that moment the whole airport froze and it was only the two of us and then I heard,

"Judgement day is coming and everything is going to change Keane. Family is crucially important, you have to stick together through thick and thin, through ups and downs"

"Keane? Hey babe, are you with me?" Tayte said, he was holding my face in his hands, I looked at him,

"Yes, sorry. I....zoned out," he dropped his hands,

"What did they say?" he asked, I had to smile, the man that stood in front of me, the brother I have known for 20 years, the lover I have always known, knew me, he honestly knew me more than I knew myself,

"That judgement days coming and everything's going to change and how family is crucially important. To stick together through the tough times" I said,

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