"What?" He snapped at his best friend.

"Mitchy, why won't you just let Kevin talk? He wasn't really finished" the blonde said softly.

Kevin chuckled. "That's right, I wasn't. What I had wanted to say is that I have something, some kind of early Wedding present. You can take it or leave it, it is not my decision to make." He pulled a folder out of his bag and took out a sheet of paper and shoved it over so Mitch and Avi could read it.

Avi gasped once he had understood what it was all about. "No!"

"You didn't, Kevin" Mitch chimed in.

Kevin chuckled. "Well, I did it. I got my license to hold a wedding ceremony in California" he said proudly. "I don't know if you want me to hold your wedding, I just talked to Scott a lot and he was sure that I could do it. He asked me to just go for it. But... you don't need to accept this."

"Kevin, this is..." Mitch didn't know what to say. He glanced over to his fiancé and once again knew exactly that he was thinking the same.

"Thank you, Kevin" Avi said. He took a deep breath. "Yes, I want you to hold our wedding ceremony, honestly. I am so happy, I don't really know what to say. Mitch, what do you think?"

"I think that you're the perfect minister, Kevin" Mitch stated. "Because no matter what, you always find the right words. I think you'll find the right balance between religious aspects, the mandatory parts of the ceremony and a few personal words. So yes, I too want you to hold our wedding ceremony. And now please let me hug you."

Kevin chuckled and stood up. "Be my guest, Mitch" he offered.

Mitch immediately threw his arms around the other man's neck and held him there tightly. "Thank you so much, Kevin. You don't know ho much this means to me, how much I value having you as a friend. Thank you for helping us out" he said while holding onto Kevin.

"You're welcome" Kevin returned. "And you don't know how proud I am that you're allowing me to hold your wedding ceremony."

"Allowing you?" Avi boomed. "If I had known that you'd be willing to do this for us, I would have asked you immediately. I just didn't know it would be possible."

"Well it is and so we did it, you know" Scott said. "It was worth a try and apparently it was the right decision. Well you have to find another best man, Avi, but I think you'll manage."

Avi nodded. "I'll ask Esther to be my maid of honour" he said. "She's the only one who will understand why I am asking her. Everyone else would think that they are only number two, everyone but her. What matters is that we finally have someone to hold the ceremony. And I don't think that we'd find someone to do it better than you could, Kevin. This is the best early wedding present you could've made."

"It is" Mitch said. "Thank you very much." He hugged his best friend as well. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"It's okay" Scott replied. "As long as you're finally happy and looking forward to your wedding."

"Yes" Mitch said. "Now nothing can go wrong."

But Mitch was wrong.

He knew it as soon as Eva entered the house half an hour later. The euphoria he had inside of him vanished completely when he saw the expression on her face.

"What is it? Come in, sit down and spill the tea" Mitch urged her on.

Eva sat down at the table and looked at the men around her. "We've got a major problem" she stated. "There was a fire in your location. It is closed, we need to find something else."

"No" Avi said. "Just no. Why is this happening? Why now that we have everything else under control. We've finally found someone to hold the ceremony, we have our outfits, the decoration, Carissa and Michael are playing for us and... it would've been perfect" he burst out while Mitch was just sitting there, staring at the wall, his face void of emotions.

How should they even find a new location within six weeks? It was impossible. All they had planned, all the work they put into their wedding preparations, it all just seemed to be gone, unimportant. It just didn't matter anymore.


A/N: sorry ? Someone said that a cliffhanger would be a good idea ;)

Oh and I have a new book, my "Going Abroad Diary".
Today's first chapter is just a blurb of feelings and thoughts but maybe I'll tell you something about my planning and stuff next week? Whatever you want and whatever I want ;)

Anyway. Hope you liked this part.

More s**n.

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