The teacher ships it

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    Marinette raced down the street, the familiar scent of herself blowing behind her as the cooling breeze welcomed her back. Alya wasn't even standing in her usual spot but Marinette was able to have a little bit of luck and actually had her elastics in her hair. But that didn't stop her from purposely whacking Chloe in the face with one of her pigtails. Her hair had grown longer because she hadn't been to the hairdressers yet this week.

"Hi Alya!" Marinette panted bending over her knees when she reached her best friend.

"Hey girl! Did you hear the news? Juleka and that dude Jasper are a thing now!" She pointed to Juleka and Jasper who were holding hands.

Marinette groaned and purposely flopped on the floor.

"You ok? Purr-Marinette?" Adrian asked walking up to her.

"Yeah! I'm totally fine!" Marinette smiled but then gestured to the stairs.

Adrian got the picture. "Ok... well, see you later!" He waved and walked towards the stairs, winking as he passed Marinette.

Marinette followed Adrian after Alya left to chat with Nino. Adrian was sitting calmly under the stairs when she ducked under. She smiled at him and he smiled back.

"So I'm guessing you heard about Juleka and Jasper?" Adrian questioned arching an eyebrow.

"Yeah, I wonder how Nathanael's taking it..." Marinette looked down at the floor.

"I've got a plan!" Adrian exclaimed after a few seconds.

Marinette walked over and he whispered it to her.

"That could work!" Marinette's bluebell eyes lit up and sparkled.

"Ok so you keep watch, I'll deal with the rest." Adrian nodded smiling.  


Adrian read through the folder with the assigned partners. Kim and Max, Ivan and Mylene, Chloe and Sabrina, Alya and Marinette... Adrian changed that to Adrian and Marinette, letting out a dark chuckle. There! Nathanael and...Juleka? He didn't have to change it either!

Marinette entered the room and coughed twice. Adrian immediately stuffed the pages in the folder and put them in the desk, running to his seat and sitting down as the other students filed in.

Nathanael had his head in his hands and wouldn't make eye contact.

"You ok Nath?" Marinette asked, putting a hand on his back.

"I-I'm fine." He shook his head and looked in the other direction.

Marinette thought of a way to cheer him up. She knew Chat wouldn't like this but, here goes nothing! She put her arms around him and gave Nathanael a hug. He froze but then hesitated as he hugged her back.

"It's ok Nath, you can tell me anything." Marinette smiled. Nathanael smiled back but didn't say anything.

What Marinette didn't notice was Adrian looking back at her, a very angry and jealous expression on his face.

"Okay class, now I'm going to tell you your partners for the book report; Kim and Max, Ivan and Mylene, Chloe and Sabrina, Marinette and Adrian, Alya and Nino, Nathanael and Juleka and Alix and Rose." Ms. Bustier announced a small smile on her lips when she said 'Adrian and Marinette'.

My ship!  ( I'm not 😈)

Nathanael jumped a little bit and then immediately snapped his head to Juleka who smiled shyly in response.

"Okay, now please get with your partner and marry-I mean work on the report with them." Ms. Bustier blushed, containing her excitement when Marinette sat next to Adrian and they smiled at each other.

"Did you hear that? She almost said 'marry' them." Marinette whispered to Adrian as he pulled out his notebook.

Not a bad idea... Adrian thought to himself and smiled evilly.

"What are you smiling about?" Marinette asked interrupting his thoughts.

"Oh nothing..." Adrian smiled again thinking about marrying Marinette.

"It's a bit early to be thinking of that Adrian." Nino smirked lightly punching Adrian in the back. Adrian blushed hard and so did Marinette.

"What about you and Alya huh?" Adrian smirked turning around. But then accidentally elbowed Marinette's shoulder.

"OW!" Marinette exclaimed putting a hand over the freshly stitched up wound.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" Adrian immediately turned to her and gasped.

Everyone had turned to Marinette and their eyes were wide in shock. Nathanael had already made his way down and was lightly touching Marinette's other shoulder over the desk.

"I'm fine, it's not a big deal..." Marinette fought back tears. It really hurt. The pain throbbing around the edges of the stitching and it was slowly going numb again.

One tear ran down her cheek and Marinette got up to run to the bathroom. However she heard Chloe say something that automatically triggered her...

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