Chaos after Chaos

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    Sorry there's no picture! I will post one next chapter I promise!

    Marinette didn't exactly believe that Nathanael was telling the truth... So she went to the library herself. But Juleka and Jasper were already gone.

Suddenly, a loud bang and a loud, singular scream that Marinette could only identify one person to belong to; Her mom.

A robber was in the bakery stealing the money from the cash register and laughing evilly.

"Where's our precious heroine this time little lady?" The robber mocked tilting Sabine's chin up harshly.

"Don't you dare touch her again!" Tom yelled and hit him over the head with a rolling pin.

The robber fell to the ground and pulled out a pistol to point it at Tom. Marinette just happened to be in the doorway.

"NO!" She cried running to block her father.

The robber fired, shooting her in the shoulder and sending her to the ground.

Chat had dropped in to witness the whole thing.

"'RE GOING TO PAY FOR THIS!" He yelled running at the man who just shot his true love.

"I'M GOING TO KILL YOU! CATACLYSM!" Chat screamed and the black swirled around his hand.

The robber turned to the black cat just as he touched the man's back. The man gasped and disappeared in a cloud of black dust.

Marinette had already fallen unconscious by the time this had happened. So she didn't witness her partner go against the most prominent vow they had taken at the very beginning of their adventures together. As Ladybug, and Chat Noir.


(Bet you thought I'd end the chapter there huh? Not yet! That would be cutting it way too short...)

    Marinette groaned as she sat up in an unfamiliar room. Beeping monitors, several tubes strapped to her skin and a small breathing tube clasped around her head and blowing air into her nose.

She didn't remember much, the robbery she did, being shot seemed like a dream, but the paper gauze on her shoulder forced her to consider the possibility of that being a figment of her imagination. She'd been shot at countless times as Ladybug but nothing had ever hit her, but Marinette didn't have a magical yo-yo or the power to reverse damage to anything. She also didn't have the endless supply of luck as Ladybug either which meant if anyone were to get shot at, Chat would probably be the one getting hit, either protecting her or just being fired at himself.

The room was dark, which was nice, it allowed Marinette to think in peace without anything distracting her, apart from the annoying computers beeping on either side of her bed which she now realized had steel bars around it, keeping her from falling off the bed.

After realizing there was nothing to do, Marinette slowly got bored and fell asleep.


Adrian plummeted his fist into the wall of his bedroom.

"God damn it!" He cursed pulling his hand out of the wall. He ignored the sting and punched another crater in the light gray plaster. "Why did I kill him?" He pulled his hand out and sobbed into it.

Plagg flew up to his face. "Y'know, you'll be lucky if Master Fu let's you keep your miraculous after this." He sighed leaning in to see Adrian's glistening green eyes.

"Master Fu?" Adrian pulled his hands away from his face.

"Yeah, otherwise known as the Great Guardian, he gives miraculous' to people that are worthy of it and whenever he needs the city to be protected." Plagg explained and sat of Adrian's desk.

"So he gave me you?" Adrian clarified.

"Correct." Plagg nodded.

"So he knows who I am? If that's the case...he must know who Ladybug is too..." Adrian held his chin.

"Yup." Plagg admitted nodding again.

"Where is he?" Adrian asked excitedly.

"I don't remember, don't ask me." Plagg rolled his eyes.

"'re no fun..." Adrian pouted and walked over to his bed to face-plant into the bed.

"Oh come on! Can't we do something? Like play video games or maybe eat some cheese?" Plagg whined.

"Plagg, literally everything you say, is either a whine or about cheese." Adrian glared at his kwami after pulling his face from the mattress.

"Cuz it's delicious!" Plagg exclaimed.

Adrian groaned and face-planted again.


The next day, neither Nathanael nor Marinette was at school, Marinette's situation was obvious and the majority of the class assumed that Nathanael was spending the day with her at the hospital.

Adrian decided to pay her a visit after school but as Chat Noir.


Marinette sighed as she played Mega Strike 3 with Nathanael. It wasn't as fun as when she played with Adrian all those months ago. It had seemed like years since he was at her house. Even though the last time he did was actually when Chat dumped her. Marinette shuddered at the memory and looked over at Nathanael who's main attention was the game.

How am I going to let him go without hurting him? Marinette asked herself.

Just then a black flash went by her window and she looked over to see two glowing green eyes in the frame. It was dark out so his eyes were the only things she could see.

The princess, the cat and the tomato [COMPLETED]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora