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    Chat ended up visiting every day Marinette was still in the hospital, one of the visits was actually from Adrian however and he had brought a pink rose bouquet mixed with carnations for her during that visit.

    Nathanael came in and was curious about where it came from but Marinette just said they were from Alya.

    That night, Marinette turned off the light and tucked herself under the sheets of her hospital bed and fell sound asleep.

    "Aah! Akuma!" a person cried. Marinette was in her room working on a design when she heard the cry. "Tiki! Spots on!" Marinette exclaimed but the red kwami was nowhere to be seen. "Tiki?" Marinette reached up and felt her ear. The familiar feeling of her earrings was gone! However, mask or not, Marinette still had to save the day! She ran down the street towards the smoke coming from the sky.

    Chat Noir was fighting a girl in a black and white striped unitard. Chat wasn't calling out for Ladybug at all, neither were the citizens wrapped in chains. It was as if Ladybug never existed...

    "It's ok Chat! I'll help you!" Marinette called to the black cat. He looked at her quickly and then arched an eyebrow.  The akumatized lady threw Chat to the ground and he smashed into the side of a light post. Marinette ran over and fell to her knees beside her beloved Chaton. "Kitty! Are you ok?" She cried rubbing his arm. He opened his eyes and clutched his stomach. "What the heck Mari? This isn't a good time for a stupid joke like that, go home." Chat snarled and stood up. Marinette stayed sitting on the ground, on the verge of bursting into tears. "What happened to you?" She turned and yelled at him. He stopped and turned. "I lost her." He answered and ran after the supervillain.

    Marinette chased after Chat, he was running across the building tops after the villain who was on her way to the Eifel tower. Somehow, Marinette ended up getting there faster than both of them. 

    Chat fought with the akuma at the top and then she finally threw him up into the air like a ragdoll, he tumbled to the ground and Marinette ran to catch him or at least cushion his fall, she didn't care if she ended up dying, her miraculous was gone, she couldn't protect the city if she tried, but he still had his. She slipped and landed under Chat, the impact crushed her ribs and knocked the wind out of her. Tears strolling down her cheeks as she struggled to breathe. Chat was barely harmed surprisingly and he immediately hopped off Marinette and picked her up in his arms. She felt so limp, he could've been holding a blanket or even Jell-O.

    "Marinette?" He whispered and she weakly opened her eyes. "K...kit...y." She whispered a small smile growing on her lips. Red ran down her chin and stomach. "Why?" Chat asked tearing up. "I...I...lo...ve...you...kit...y." Marinette closed her eyes. "No! Marinette! Wake up! Please No!" Chat cried.

    "NO!" Marinette cried jolting up from her sleep. Hot tears were burning her eyes and cheeks as they fell. She looked around the room, panting heavily, trying to slow down her heart beat. "What a terrible nightmare." She whimpered, putting her head in her hands. 

Sorry I haven't updated in a while! Also the format is different than my other chapters, sorry about that too! I will try to update again as soon as possible and also add a picture. I was reading some really good books on here though and I totally forgot to update this story! See you next time!


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