Don't Touch the Forbidden Game

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"So why was Dragon Block sealed ?" She got their attention as the three jumped up.

"Ah Alice, I had not noticed you were here. Under Taoism there are branches Onmyou and Gomyou. Ying and Yang. In other words, everything in this world is balanced by light and darkness. If Dragon Block's seal was undone...Yin and Yang would erode each other. A twisting power would be created," Gramps informed them.

Okay so basically this game is way to much trouble, She summed it up. Glancing she saw the puzzle glowing. Maybe it was the Dragon Block or Yami ? Either way she was sure Yami would make an appearance soon.

          "It's said the Millennium Puzzle also has a mysterious power. It's probably reacting to the Dragon Block's energy," Gramps informed. "You got that right. There's this strange power coming from the Dragon," She commented earning stares.

"It feels different from the Millennium Puzzle," She explained. The sealed game radiated power that seemed to brush against her. It did not feel friendly to her.

"Well the Dragon Seal's power, it's not something people should not carelessly touch. Listen. Be sure not to open this Dragon Block," Gramps said sternly.

"I get it."

I somehow doubt that, She thought.

Not to long

She felt that power again, except it was like a flood. Soaking up everything.

Next day

Okay something was up. Not only was a bully who was picking Imori found lying on a street in a coma but a whole nearby island disappeared. And Imori radiated darkness. It was icky and no doubt thanks to the Dragon Block.

Honda however blamed Jounouchi who had yesterday wished something horrible happened in Japan. Idiots. Only those with legendary powers like Groudon and Kyogre were able to do something like that. And of course the Dragon Block.

"You would have died long ago !" Jounouchi yelled.


"Something was definitely wrong with this Imori kid," He commented as the dark brat demanded that Yugi give him his homework. "We need to inform the mistress of this," Misdreavus added.

As they continued to watch how this so called 'Friendship', was rather selfishness. 

"You traitor !" Barked the dark kid. This won't end well, He thought as he watched the the storm stomp off.


After a swim they followed Yugi. Well he did since Misdreavus was a lady and would stay with their Mistress. The puzzle was gone !

From a messenger  of Darkness, He read the final of the letter. Secret Base and that creepy kid Imori equaled trouble.

Imori lived in a rather large private Japanese home with its own garden. As for the Secret Base it was a basement with a secret lever.

He watched as Yugi's soul was sacrificed and went into the vase. "Ah ! This game is creepy ! Where is Misdreavus and Alice !" He yelled as he clutched his head. What do I do ? Do I attack this kid or something ?


She raced as fast as she could in her usual clothes. When Misdreavus came to her acting panicked she quickly changed out of the cumbersome uniform and into her usual trainer clothes.

She almost lost her hat and shoes a few times but she finally made it to what must be Imori's house. The secret basement was rather treacherous even with a guide as she almost jumped off the stone stair into who knows what.

Bye the time she found the two, Yami was playing against Imori who seemed to have no idea of the second soul. Thank goodness, She sighed in relief. "I'm gonna kill this brat," She panted as she collapsed.

"How did ?- how did you find us ?!" Imori questioned. "If you survive this game then you can worry about the punishment I'll give you for all of this. You unseal the Dragon Block and even steal the puzzle," She growled baring her teeth.


"I gather two dragons. I summon them !" Imori shouted. "I also completed mine," Yami replied. Whirlwinds appeared as a Water and Wood Dragons flanked Imori while Yami had an Earth and Metal Dragon.

"Is that good ?" She asked Gengar. "No, Yami is at a disadvantage," He replied. The two seemed to be able to protect and help each other, Earth and Metal Dragons survived the water attack.

Water gave power to Wood. The Wood Dragon seemed do be growing a lot. The Wood Dragon used a Mega Drain version attack on the Earth Dragon. Not good, she was just now learning this game and even she knew this was bad.

The Metal Dragon who survived the drowning however cut the leaching branches and freed the Earth Dragon. "Way to go !" Alice cheered.

The Earth Dragon made a crack so deep that the Water Dragon fell in.

"I lost...It can't be."


Yami won !

"This time your soul will be sacrificed, Imori !" Yami declared.

A dark orb came out as Imori collapsed while a golden orb of light came out of the vase. Yugi's soul. "My other soul has been recovered," Yami said as he hugged his chest were the soul went.

"H-huh ? Where am I ?" A confused Imori questioned. Imori's haughty dark heart had been sacrificed.


Dragon Block's was sealed and placed back in the hidden room.

"I never want to see that cursed game ever again," She said as Gengar flouted next to her. "Gengar," He seemed to agree with her. Gengar grinned as he stuck his tongue. "Have you even flown before Yami ?" She asked.

"No-" Be began before she pushed him On Gengar who quickly became huge. "Let's go back to the shop please," She requested once she was comfortable. It had gotten pretty dark but they were treated with a show of bright stars.

"I love to fly," She said with a smile. Lounging down she watched the bright stars.

Yami No PokemonOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora