Part 10: I'm Not With Them Anymore

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Removing the barricades just enough so Lilith and Jorge can squeeze through, Hugs patiently waited after their leave. Lang found another door that went to the back alley so he could get in position. Meanwhile outside the bar Lilith's plan was underway. She tossed Jorge a flashlight she stole from inside.

"You go that way around the block and gather up infectors. Get at least 5," Lilith demanded "I'll go this way and gather 5 more. We meet back here with enough time to get inside and lure them. In the dark its more dangerous I know however I just say use extra caution and listen to everything in your surroundings. Try not to make a lot of noise, except when attracting them. Oh and Jorge," Lilith leaned in close to Jorge to kiss him on the cheek "Please be safe."

Jorge grabbed her hand and gently kissed it "You too Lilith."

They went in opposite directions with everything looking pitch black. Going in the direction of the tank she casually walked towards it. Once she arrived at the destroyed tank she noticed 4 infectors in army fatigues surrounding the tank when she shined her flashlight on it. The infectors directed their attention on her, then began to limp towards the light source.

"Well that was easy," she said to herself.

Trailing them back to the rendezvous as easily as Jorge found a few as well since she could see his flashlight shining not far from her.

"Hugs," she approached the barrier which Hugs was taking down as fast as possible. Just in time before the infectors reached Jorge and Lilith they leaped inside as the infectors followed by stumbling over the window. Hugs, Jorge, and Lilith rushed back the main building while Lilith was leading the infectors through. One of the guards who was patrolling saw them come through.

"Hey," he said "What are you doing here? You're supposed to be guarding the-" his sentence was interrupted by a punch to the face by Jorge, then a knee to balls. On the ground holding his nuts he was hopeless to getting away from the infectors that followed. They tore him apart causing blood to spill and splatter the surrounding tents. Some of the others strayed apart going to the open tents that had sleeping people inside. They began to feed making screams upon screams as their guts were ripped open and being devoured. Specifically, Mike and Sophia were in one of the open tents. An infector biting the leg where the bullet was and another biting open the belly of Sophia ripping out the fetus and gnawing on it like a chew toy. Others screamed in terror as gunshots blared out from the guards trying to kill the infected. While they were distracted they sneaked into the office building to see the two guards at the door with guns at the ready.

"What's going on in there?" one of them asked.

"Infectors breached in and we need backup," Hugs said to them.

The two guards rushed passed the Hugs, but were immediately stopped when Jorge opened fire on them along with Hugs. Lilith looked away as the guards thudded on the ground, Jorge went up to loot the keys and open the door. What they saw next was something they didn't want to see. Hope had her back placed against the wall sitting down with her legs spread in front of her having her knees bent and arms resting on them which had Lucas's bracelet in hand. She had no reaction to the door opening. Lying next to her was Lucas, dead, but couldn't be recognized if you didn't know who was in the room with her. His head was bashed in with brain material, blood, and skull scattered on the corner, body face down while blood rushed down the drain which was in the center of the floor. The blood was going under Hope's boot which is where she placed it. 

Jorge and Hugs didn't want to walk in so Lilith did and slowly inched toward her "Hope..." she uttered.

She looked up at Lilith with the same constant facial expression "He just walked in wanted to know how you have been convincing us to stay...I explained we are considering on joining to go along with the plan, then Lucas gave him a wrong look and next thing I know I'm being held back by the guards he brought in and...that." she peered her look at Lucas.

"We came too late," Lilith said "you know my friends always said we should carry on no matter what the loss. That message was practically implanted in my head."

"Oh yeah? and where are those friends now?"


"Oh..." Hope said while reaching her arm out to need help getting up. 

Lilith helped her up "You can tell me anything once we are safe." 

The gunshots in the other room continued, but slowly paced down.

"We gotta get out of here," Jorge said to them.

"Lily," Hope said.


"I want to kill him," she said in a darker tone.

"You will get the chance later, probably knowing my history of making contact back with these type of people. Let's get the fuck out of here so we can know we are safe."

She nodded and took one last look at Lucas while shoving the bracelet over her wrist. Before exiting to the window to the back alley they were stopped by Greg who was there aiming his rifle at the lot of them.

"Where the fuck do you think you're going?" Greg said angrily "I brought you into my home! This is how you repay me?!"

Hope rushed up to him not stopping in her tracks and tackled him knocking the rifle away. In a struggle Hope got a good punch to his face as right after her threw her off trying to get to the rifle. Hugs was already at the rifle aiming it down at Greg.

"STOP!" Hope said trying to take the rifle away "That's my kill."

Hugs let her take the rifle as Greg was at her feet. Before she could utter a word Greg grabbed her ankle to make her fall on her back. Lilith had the others back up "This is her fight."

As Hope was on the ground she kicked Greg in the face then pushed the rifle away with the same foot, which has landed on the ground when she toppled down. The both stood up to fist fight, Greg swung the first punch, but Hope dodged it and countered with a punch to the gut. Greg held his stomach as Hope struck his face right after. As she tried to swing another fist Greg blocked it and headbutted her chest causing her to fall back and loose her balance. He went over to the rifle, but was tripped up by Hope who then stood up and took the rifle.

"Not another step," she aimed the gun directly at Greg's face. 

All Greg could do was get on his knees chuckle and say "You tOS piece of shit," he spit blood on her boot.

"I'm not with them anymore," she said as she pulled the trigger. A giant hole went through the front of his forehead and made a bigger hole coming out the back, brain matter splattered all over the ground behind him. 

Lilith for once looked proud for vengeance "Let's get out of here," Lilith said to them "before the infectors get in here."

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