Part 3: The Order Society

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Greg got up from sitting down to look through the bars "That's only your perspective, peon!" Greg raised his voice when one of the bodyguards turned around and slammed on the bars commanding "SHUT UP!"

Leo wanted to continue but he stood up and faced Greg "Don't think I won't hesitate to kill you. Who knows how many of my people you have killed."

Jorge and Lilith looked concerned "What the hell is going on here?"

Leo sat back down in front of the two "I know you would have questions, but I have one for you. First, however, I must say you two have been through hell. We looked through your camera and found your friend's logs. It was smart of him to do this; wish I would have thought of it. Now we understand you aren't with him in the other cell over there, but my primary question is how did you acquire this necklace?" he said while holding it in front of their eyes.

"I found it on an infector I killed behind your building. We thought someone inside would know what it means. Could you do some fucking explaining please?"

"WHAT!?" Greg called out to Leo "You said you let him go!"

The bodyguards had no patience for him as they began to open the cell to sedate him Leo said "Stop," He stood up to face Greg "I did let him go, with no weapons or equipment. Just a shirt, pants, and that shitty necklace."

"Have you no heart?"

"Not for your people."

Greg sucked it up and sat back down with his back facing the bars. 

Leo sat back down and started to explain "You are in a police station that is guarded by none other than my people which I simply named The Order Society. The guy in that cell is from our rival faction called  The Legion. This necklace is their symbol."

"Why are you rivals?" Lilith questioned.

"We both have a separate set of ideas. After the whole shit hit the fan I banded together some of my police brothers and form this to maintain order. The Legion seeks to destroy the order and everything we are surviving for."

Jorge then said "So I'm guessing you were the chief of police."

"Right you are," Leo responded.

Lilith thought he was being bias "You know they are only surviving too. Just because it's a different way than you doesn't mean you have to fight them. We are all survivors in this hectic world."

Leo sounded frustrated "And there has to be balance or else there is no order. Its just a matter of dominance."

Lilith then responded with "And you believe that you're the dominant one?"

"I don't believe it. I know it."

"Prove it," she said sternly.

Leo commanded the guards "Open the cell."

The guards then proceeded to unlock the cell and slide it open. Lilith and Jorge both stood still and waited for Leo to say something. 

He then stood up and looked stiff as a board. After he deeply inhaled through the nose for 4 seconds, held for 2 seconds, and exhaled for another 4 seconds out the mouth he opened his mouth to speak "Follow me, I would like to give you a tour of our facility," Leo gave Lilith the camera back also saying "I put fully recharged batteries in it for you."

Jorge looked at Lilith with consent and simply nodded. Leo then did a right face and walked down the hallway. As he passed by Greg's cell he tossed the necklace into his cell right between the bars; the necklace made a loud metal noise when impacting the ground. Lilith walked first and immediately looked inside Greg's cell, his back was still facing the cell door. She stopped in her tracks and wanted to know something so she asked "Who was that infector Jorge killed?" she spoke directly to Greg. 

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