
401 11 47

Sorry 😘

Riddle contest:

Whoever wins you could either:

A.) Be featured in a one shot or your OC
B.) Have your OC or you featured in one of my stories.
C.) Or I'll make a one shot for you.

(If you cheat then f*#ck you. (Jk 😝 but I will be sad and I'll never trust again))
Whoever answers these first will get first choice in either A,B, or C then second place could chose one of the two remaining choices and third place gets whatever is left.

I'll give you easy ones.

1.) What belongs to you, but other people use?

2.) What is all around us and is broken when we say it's name?

3.) What gets wetter the more it dries?

4.) What is always coming, but never actually arrives?

And lastly

5.) Forwards, I'm heavy. Backwards, I'm not. What am I?

Contest ends: January 30 (if anyone actually wants to do the contest 😢)

Stay tuned for the next update!

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