Chapter 2

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Ben's P.O.V

Slender and that strange man kept talking about stuff about the future and what-not. To be honest I didn't really care I just wanted to get the fuck out of here and play a new video game I got.

"So how many have you recruited?" The man asked his attention fully on Slender. That certain question caused me to snap my head towards Slender and that man.

"Well let me introduce you to Ben first." Slender motioned me over and I got kind of nervous for a moment that guy looks intimidating as hell."Zalgo this is Ben DROWNED or just Ben, and Ben this is Zalgo." I awkwardly waved at the man and he seemed to be examining me before he turned to Slender again.

"Powers or certain traits?" 

"He's good with technology he can control everything that deals with electricity and mostly kills victims with electrical wires." The man nodded impressed and looked to the girl named (Y/n) he brought with him.

"What do you think my darling?" Shit their dating or else why would you call someone darling?

"Amazing can you do that father?" Oh that's her dad well I guess that makes more sense. Slender looked towards me and shook his head and I shot him a cheeky smile before averting my attention back to this man named Zalgo.

"No my powers are more along the lines of Dark Powers, Ill teach it to you when we return home."The girl nodded but remained curious as she looked towards me and seemed to try and figure me out and I smirked.

"And the others you have brought in to your home?" Zalgo questioned again.

"There's 3 in total. Ben and 2 others named Jeff the Killer and Homicidal Liu, now those two are brothers and aren't exactly on likeable terms."Slender said and I rolled my eyes.

"Damn right they aren't on likeable terms, they fight every fucking 5 minutes." I said and froze when I saw the Slender's tentacles slightly showing from his back.

"Ha love this guys attitude however no cussing around my daughter... at least not yet." He smirked and continued to laugh at Slender's angry form and I rose an eyebrow. Something's wrong with this guy.

Zalgo looked towards his clock and groaned"Dammit its almost time for our reservation time" He looked towards Slender and nudged him."How about you come with us and take this guy with you." He pointed towards me and I inwardly groaned. I wanted to play my video games why is that so hard to understand.

"Sure but first we need to freshen up. Ben you have 10 minutes to choose something appropriate to wear there are around 3 suits in your closest."Slender teleported out and I slowly made my way over to my room.

What I want to know is who exactly is that guy and what is it that he does. Is he like Slender? Or what? Hopefully in dinner they'll be able to explain who they are and what he does. And why is his daughter here?

"Ugh why do I have to wear this shit." I grumbled out while getting out of my tunic and roughly put on the suit. I looked towards the mirror and smirked.

"Don't I look fine." I gently took off my hat and sighed when having to place it in my drawer. "Jeff better not steal it or I will kick his ass."

Going back down stairs I saw Slender and was shocked. He has a face!! What the hell happened.

I mean he was still pale as fuck but now had a bit more color into his skin and as for his facial features he had pale like blue eyes and his expression looked intimidating.

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