Chapter 13 (E.J)

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Day 11

It was in the afternoon when the weather suddenly became cloudy and not much later would it rain. Perhaps it was being able to control the elements but you were rather sure of it and made sure to notify Jack about the future predicament.

Though Jack was upset at the fact that the weather would interfere with his nightly visits to the mortal world, he was rather pleased that he would be able to stay in and relax for once and perhaps enjoy a book near the fireplace.

Once night approached he nearly went for his mask until he reminded himself that it would rain harshly soon and instead blindly grabbed a book. He chuckled when he took a look at the cover.

"Schrödinger's Cat Theory." He examined the book for a couple seconds before gently placing it back.

"I suppose I could ask for that favor now but I should be patient. Who knows how she'll react." He muttered to himself just as you entered the living room.

"You're not going out tonight?" You asked with furrowed eyebrows as you dried your wet hair with your towel.

Jack shook his head. "You said weather was going to be rough. Besides I could use the break." He sighed and sat down on the couch, book in hand.

"What are you reading?" You curiously asked, taking a seat next to him.

"Poetry." Jack chuckled when he saw your face full of surprise. "Why so surprised?"

Snapping out of it, you laughed lightly. "I don't know you don't seem like the type of person to read poetry. I'd imagine something about anatomy or something relating to science."

"Well every once in a while I like reading poetry and novels. Especially poetry." He informed you.

"Where do you even get these books from?"

He flicked onto the next page and your eyes struggled to read the words. "From the people I have killed. In fact this book belonged to a lonely teenager. Didn't even bother to stop me." He paused. "You could tell he suffered so I laid him down and injected him with morphine so he wouldn't feel pain."

You frowned. "He didn't stop you?"

"No. He smiled to me and thanked me. While he was able to still talk, he explained to me that he never bothered to take his own life. He did not want to make people suffer because of him. Such a pity, he was a beautiful creature with many years to come... Anyways I found this book wide open on this page... Definitely gave me something to ponder...I'll go shower now."

He handed you the book and left upstairs. You gazed at the book in your hands and smiled sorrowfully as you stared at the poem.


Then I was somewhere else, and it was bright. A voice said.

"If you'd carried on practicing that song you almost got right, you would've been great. Bigger than the Beatles."

It continued.

"If you'd carried on working on that book you almost finished, it would've changed the lives of many, many people."

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