Chapter 5

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So in case your wondering here's the list if the guys that will gave a chance at winnings your heart. Also yes every guy will have an ending so don't worry.

List of guys:
Jeff the Killer
Homicidal Liu
BEN Drowned
Ticci Toby
Eyeless Jack
Laughing Jack
Bloody Painter
Dark Link

Also as I was copying this chapter onto here I realized I never actually finished this chapter so I apologize for those who read this on Quotev cause its an unfinished chapter. Enjoy Chapter 5.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

I waited for a reaction. Just any type of reaction would be great in this moment. When I was younger I remembered that I didn't know the meaning of an Arranged Marriage and would simply shrug it off as if it weren't important, but as I grew and would occasionally hear father speak those certain words I started getting curious as to what the meaning was of those two simple words. So when I turned 15 I had asked father what were the meaning of those words and I will always remember the look on his face when I had asked. The look he gave me was just one that caused my heart to ache and be shattered in a million pieces.

"(Y/n) I want you to know I'm doing this because its what I think is best for you and you should always know that I always want what's best for you." Father spoke in the softest voice I had ever heard him and I knew that whatever was behind those were words must have been not good as I saw him gently take my hands while reluctantly averting his gaze to my eyes and sighed.

I was right. When he told me that the meaning of Arranged Marriage I let out silent tears. Arranged Marriage basically means marriage planned by both parents or guardians of the bride and groom and the selected groom or bride don't get to have a say in it. Now I was never those types of girls who would have lashed out on her father for not getting a say in anything before their father has a chance to explain themselves. So wiping my fallen tears of my cheeks I nodded to my father so he could explain himself.

He explained to me that this would prevent a war between him and Slenderman and it was for my safety. Once hearing the reason for it I agreed to the whole marriage plan and my father gratefully hugged me before letting me go and letting me alone to process everything. Even if I had tried to object to the idea I knew I wouldn't have been able to avoid this. It was planned a couple months after my birth so I wouldn't have had a say in this either ways.

"What the fuck! We barely know her and know you expect one of us to marry her. Have you lost your fucking mind Slender?!" The one I remember called Jeff exclaimed his vain popping out from his neck obviously disagreeing to this idea. I didn't blame him though I knew I would have been the same if I was in his place.

"I'm sorry but Jeff's right for once. How do you expect one of us to just immediately marry her?" E.J agreed as he took a glance towards me before looking back at Slender. I could tell that Slender would have to basically explain everything to them seeing as he rubbed his temples before facing the small group of boys.

"Hey I don't mind!" All eyes were on Dark Link who raised his hands in surrender before crossing them once again.

"Now I suppose you all want an explanation so I will provide you with one, the only request I have is that no one is to interrupt me." Once seeing everyone agreeing by whether nodding or by saying yes he continued. "Zalgo and myself had come to an agreement many years ago way before most of you knew how to walk. The agreement was that if one of you were to marry miss (Y/n) over here there would be no war between us and Zalgo's army. If I were to disagree and decline the offer there would have been a massive war between all of us and Zalgo's army along with many other creepypasta's that want us to disappear. Not only was that the reason why I accepted the offer but also because I knew (Y/n) was a great person with many great talents and a wonderful personality. Even if you weren't to love her as a groom should to a bride I knew that at least you would be great friends therefore making the relationship to work. We don't expect you to love her as a lover but rather more of a friend at least." I smiled at Slender and mouthed out 'thank you' who he only nodded.

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