Chapter 8

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The once beautiful color now stained the ground, the walls...the bodies of all the Creepypasta you've met in your life. Most laid motionless while others still hung on to the little life they had left.

Tears began streaming down your face rapidly. The sight was too much for you to bare and in a flash the food in your stomach made contact with the bloody ground.

Your knees gave out and your bottom came in hard contact with the dirt. Beside you laid another body and you quickly scurried away only to come in contact with another. This time however your eyes met with familiar black ones. His jaw was broken as his tongue hung out, his left arm was halfway cut off only hanging on by some skin. Intestines were pulled out from his stomach that was cut open.

"F-FATHER!" Zalgo was still breathing, though he was breathing dangerously slow and harsh.

"Wake up....This is an illusion." His voice sounded far away and you instantly stood up hoping to find him in perfect condition.

"Over here." You let out a sob as you ran towards your father and embraced him in a tight hug. Your eyes were clenched shut but the images were still there. The bodies still were there, behind you.

Though when you finally had the courage to open them all you saw was white. No more blood. No more dead bodies. Just plain white. Part of you was relieved, but the other was still terrified. Zalgo however still held you close and stroked your hair like he used to when you were younger and had nightmares.

"(Y/n) what was that?" Zalgo asked in a whisper.

You shook your head. What was that? "I don't k-know... I was just with Ben h-happened."

"I see... What exactly were you doing with Ben?"

You remained quiet. If you were to tell what happened Ben could end up in serious trouble with both Slender and your Father.

"To celebrate my birthday."

It wasn't the complete truth but it was the truth nonetheless. Ben did say at one point you two were going to celebrate your birthday. Zalgo watched for any signs that proved you were lying.

He finally sighed. "Something must have triggered this fear. It could have been the fact that you entered the mortal world and that must of set it off."

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