Chapter032_Out Of Time

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"Like I know that I might be dying." Elliot tells me and like clockwork his knees buckle and he seizes as black liquid drips out his mouth. I back up so he can seizes without hitting someone. He finally stops seizing so I pick him up and fly over to the DEO at record pace.

"Kara, what's wrong and why are you carrying Elliot?" Hank asks me running up to me.

"He needs medical attention, I think he's dying." I say running him to the medical wing where people started hooking him up to machines.

"Supergirl, he has no pulse." One of the doctors tell her. I put my hand on his heart.

"I feel a heartbeat but its rapid probably to fast for machines to pick up." I say as the machine started detecting a heartbeat. 

"He's alive but in a coma?" I ask them.

"Yes." A doctor says as they were about to poke Elliot with a needle so he could get fluids.

"Oh that won't work." I tell them but I watch in horror as the needle went into his skin like he wasn't he Kryptonian.

"Elliot told me he was losing his powers a little while ago." Alex said walking into the room.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I questioned turning to look at her.

"He went and saw Team Flash at STAR Labs and then he told me he was fine." Alex said as we both go back to looking at Elliot in a coma. We both walked away trusting that the doctors would take care of him.

hours later
As I predicted they left Elliot unguarded. I stared at the defenseless boy in the bed. I wrap my hands around his neck and start to choke him and sure enough I watched the heart monitor flatline only a few seconds later. I go into the security footage and delete the parts of me choking Elliot to death and I go back to training even though it was 1am. Elliot Kai-El was finally dead, he got what he deserved.

Black Kryptonite ✕ Kara Danvers[1]Where stories live. Discover now