Chapter024_Power Loss

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I run to wear I heard come from, it was a woman being robbed at gunpoint.

"Let her go!" I yell at the criminal, he smirks and throws the woman the the ground and fires a bullet at me, it hurts my arm like I'm not bulletproof. I still rush up to him and snatch his gun and knock him to the ground.

"Thank you but you're hurt." The woman says as I help her off the ground.

"I'll be fine." I tell her and then I run away. I run to the DEO where only Alex and Mon-El were there.

"Elliot, what's the matter?" Alex asks me as I stop running.

"I think I'm losing my powers." I tell her as Mon-El looked at me without pity.

"C'mon we'll run some tests." Alex said and motions for me to follow her. I follow her to the med bay where she removes the bullet from my arm. I sit there alone when she leaves the room. Mom-El floats in using his powers.

"Maybe your losing your powers because killers don't deserve powers." Mon-El states with a smirk.

"I did what I had to do but I might be losing my powers but I can still take you any day." I hiss at him as he laughs like it was a slightly funny joke and floats away. He doesn't know what I really did neither does Kara. I traveled through time to save her and I would do it again if I had to. Alex returns to the room.

"Your suspicion was correct, Elliot you are losing your powers. I'm sorry." She tells me.

"No it's not your fault." I reassure her then I put my mask back on and run away. I'm losing my powers yet I'm faster than ever. What if I'm becoming like Barry? That's next to impossible though.

Black Kryptonite ✕ Kara Danvers[1]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora