Chapter022_Elliot Kale

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-Season Two Starts-
It's been a year since I met Kara, a whole amazing year. I stood on the balcony of my apartment; keyword my. It would have been amazing if it went like I hoped it went. To put things simple we broke up after I killed Zoom to protect her, she has no idea what I'd do to save her but she told me to stay away. So I am. Apparently since Kara isn't talking to me Alex isn't either, so I have no one. My cell phone rings.

"Elliot Kale." I say when I pick up the phone.

"Elliot, its Alex," a woman voice says,"we found a way for you to get back to your planet." I drop the phone but I catch it before it shatters. I speed to the DEO building after changing into my super suit, I haven't flown in seven months but I run; as fast as I can. I arrive to see Mon-El, Kara, Alex and Hank waiting for me.

"The cradle isn't ready is it?" I ask itching the back of my head.

"No." Alex answers then she looks down in guilt.

"Then why am I here?" I ask in irritation.

"We think you should stop isolating yourself from everyone." Kara says with a sigh.

"Last time I checked you were the one who told me to stay away," I snap at her, she looks taken aback,"listen I'm sorry but you told me to stay away so I did."

"I know but.." She starts but she cuts herself off. She walks away, I look down. I'll never win her back but even if she never talks to me again it's better for her to be alive and with someone else.

"It's fine." I whisper and speed away.

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