Chapter007_Not Coming Back

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The past three weeks have been great. I had been working with Alex to find Elliot-Prime, me and Kara had been in a secret relationship. I've also been mastering my powers which is a piece of cake once I set my mind to it.

"Elliot, did you talk to Lucy about Elliot-Prime?" Alex asked as I walked into the DEO with Kara who was wearing her Supergirl outfit. 

"Yes she said no one has seen anything or anyone who looks like me." I answer as she nods. 

"Alex, we'll find him before he hurts anyone. I promise." Kara says as I nod furiously in complete agreement. 

"Anyway there is a girl who is suspected to be an alien is acting disoriented in the city square. Elliot, how about you bring him in." Alex says as I smile wider that I finally could use my powers outside of the DEO's headquaters. 

"Okay." I say as I walk to the surface and took off flying. My powers surged around me, my powers were strange. I land in the city square where a woman sat on the ground covering her face with her hands trembling like someone who scared and afraid.

"Go away." She said as I approached her crouching form slowly and carefully.

"I'm not here to hurt you, I want to help you." I reach a hand toward her but she jerks away and looks at me. Her eyes glow red and then I was gone.


"Elliot," I say into the comm,"say something Elliot." The line is silent.

"Elliot, isn't here anymore he decided to leave." A woman's voice said into the comm.

"Where is he you bitch!" I yell at her as anger wells up inside of me.

"He's not coming back ever again." She says in a flat tone that sounded unimpressed.

"No you can't kill him," I say as my anger turns to fear and sadness,"you can't I love him."

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