Chapter026_State Of Mind

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"Kara I know we've only been together for awesome six months but I love you. Will you marry me?"


"It's like the Speed Force is absorbing your kryptonian powers." Caitlin said showing a replica of my cells with black dots eating red dots.

"What does that mean?" I ask her.

"By the time the Speed Force eats away all your powers you will lose all powers related to being from Krypton-2 and it's replaced with abilities from the Speed Force." She said which made my heart sink.

"How would I even get the Speed Force inside me?" I ask him.

"We don't know but when compared your cells to Barry and they behave the same." Caitlin explains.

"At least when I lose my powers I won't be powerless." I sigh I want to protect National City. Not be a burden to it.

"Elliot, the breach is ready." Cisco tells me and hug all my friends goodbye and run through the breach back to my Earth. Unfortunately, it opened in the sky so I freefall until I hit the ground, thanks to my partial indestructibility I only took some scratches. No one was around. How long have I been gone? I look at a digital billboard, only a few days. I run to the DEO where I find Alex working. She looks at me, she looks spooked.

"Elliot your back, did you get your powers back?" She asks me I look past her. I see Kara kiss Mon-El.

"Yes." I lie, Kara looks at me. She gasps a little inaudible.

I'll never forgive you. I mouth at her.

"Elliot, what's wrong you looks terrible." Alex says, I wipe the blood that was coming from the corner of my mouth.

"I'M FINE." I shout at her and walk away. For once I didn't run, I couldn't. It hurt too much. Why did you betray me?

Black Kryptonite ✕ Kara Danvers[1]Where stories live. Discover now