Chapter028_Black Liquid

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I walked around National City with a hood over my head as I planned my next move. I knew my apartment would be crawling with DEO agents so that wasn't an option and apparently the black speedster the most wanted man in National City thanks to a CatCo broadcast. I feel my stomach turn, I run into an alley where it was dead quiet and puked up my lunch mixed with some of my black blood. I take a napkin out my pocket and wipe the stuff off my face as I walked away from the alley. I adjusted the backpack on my shoulders and walked away.

"Kara we have reports from a burning smell coming from an alley downtown." Alex told me, I take a running start and take off through an open window. I fly to the scene to see police gathered around a strange black liquid that had burned a hole through the wall of a building it had landed on. Maggie walks over to me.

"Do you or Alex by chance know what this is?" Maggie asks me as she stares at it.

"No idea but if you can get me a sample we can run some tests in our labs." I tell her as she nods and walks over to a forensic scientist trying taking a sample of the black liquid but it kept eating away at his tools much to his displeasure. It had a burning smell, I had never seen anything like it. It made my head spin looking at it. I fly away back to the DEO.

"Kara we checked the building's security cameras to find out where that liquid came from." Alex told me shoving a tablet in my face. A man with a black hood and a backpack on his back stumbles into the alley and uses one of his arms to brace himself from falling over as black stuff shot out his mouth onto the ground and part of a building wall. He takes something out his pocket and wipes his mouth. When he walks away I see his face. It's Elliot.

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