Chapter009_Prime Will Rise

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"I've been looking for you, Elliot." A voice identical to mine with a metallic edge says from the shadows as I laid on a wet floor. Someone unsheaths a sword.

"I've been looking for you too." I say as I sat up and shot my eye laser around the room and sure enough it hit something. 

"I was afraid you would come to understand your powers before I found you." Prime says stepping into the light. 

"No you don't understand, Prime," I tell him as he laughs evilly but it turns to a metallicy sounding cough,"you're sick aren't you. You're sick because you've haven't been yourself lately. Let me help you." 

"I am myself!" Prime insisted but his eyes told me he couldn't even lie to himself about being himself. 

"Face it Prime. Me and you are only half a person without one another." I telol him but he laughs and coughs again. 

"You won't be anyone at all when I'm finished with you." 


Wynn walks into my office as I'm typing on my computer. 

"Hey Kara where's Elliot?" Wynn asks as I sigh and look at him. 

"Some alien with evil mind control powers kidnapped Elliot." I say quiet so only he could hear what I said. Wynn looks at me making face like I was lying I shoot him a serious look and he realized I wasn't joking. 

"If he's missing why aren't you out there looking for him?" Wynn whisper yelled at me. 

"Alex told me that I need to pretend like nothing is happening because according to the government Elliot Kai-El doesn't exist. Anywhere. So of course we can't get the cops involved." I whisper yelled back at him as a look of understanding flashed on his face. 

"If Alex is working on it then you know he'll be found safe and sound." Wynn reassured me, I nod. But on the inside I wasn't so sure Elliot was okay.

Black Kryptonite ✕ Kara Danvers[1]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin