time skip

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3rd person pov
Harleys about a week away from her due date and couldn't be more excited, they're havening a little baby boy, and decided on the name "Jack joker Quinn" or JJ for short. Harley was in bed all the time now and reading every single pregnancy book there was. She was so excited for the little prince to come into a the world, especially since batman was broken after Harley's and jokers last mission
Joker had tied Robin up in a wearhouse outside of Gotham and had already carved a permanent smile on the bird brains face. Harley wasn't too big just yet and since it was her idea, joker let her come with. Joker started to walk up to robin with a knife in hand and Robin started to struggle. Harley knocked him out "naughty naughty! Jump around like that and the doctor won't give you a lolly pop!" Harley laughed but joker got even more mad
"I WANTED HIM TO STAY AWAKE!" joker yelled and smacked Harley in the face causing her to fall to the floor. Luckily Harley didn't hit him too hard and robin woke back up and started to cry. Joker and Harley looked over to him and laughed "Harley get the camera" joker instructed and Harley did as she was told "hi bats! Just wanted to show you how your little bird is doing, smile for the camera! Not that you have a choice" he then laughed again, robin picked up his head showing the scars and whispered "help......me" then dropped his head again, Harley laughed then pointed the camera to her
"Ain't my Puddin funny?" Then turned the camera to joker
"Now, I think I shall use......this one!" He exclaimed and picked up a screw driver, he turned it on and drove it into robins legs, and arms, and finally into his neck. "Well, that's all folks!" Joker said then laughed, there had been at least three days of film in there, he then set up a trap that turned on the projector, and called batman over. He hasn't been seen since that day.
~~~~~~~~end of flash back~~~~~~~~~~~
Harley laughed remembering the whole thing and then joker walked in "what's so funny poo?" He said
"Just thinkin about how we broke the ba- owwww!" She held her stomach and joker ran to her side "Puddin, something doesn't feel right!" She screamed and they rushed her to the doctor, the only one in Gotham that would see them and not take JJ away. After they got there she was rushed to the back and joker held her hand "what the hell is going on here doctor?!" Joker yelled
"She's going into labor" Harley screamed as loud as she could, she was in a lot of pain

After about 12 hours they were holding their prince and Harley started to cry, "Puddin, he has your smile" she said then let him hold the baby. Joker kissed the baby's forehead
"I will never let anything happen to you" he whispered then handed him back to Harley. They went home that night on a count of, there was no room in the doctors "office" for a baby. Sleep didn't come easily, but once all three of them were asleep, it was the most beautiful thing in the world.

******sorry I'm doing such a shitty job updating, I'm going through a lot lately and all I wanna do anymore is sleep*****

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