wedding day

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Harley pov
It's been a week since me and joker found out and tomorrow is our wedding day! We're gonna announce my pregnancy st the wedding, its gonna be really fun. J didn't like the idea of spending the night away from me now that I'm pregnant, but we worked this out over a month ago, and last week we changed the plans and he's only one room away now.
"Puddin, have you seen my red lace panties?" I asked and he smiled
"You mean these?" He held them up before placing them in his suitcase
"Puddin I need those for tomorrow!" I said and tried to grab them, he grabbed em before I could and we wrestled for them, and ripped em "eep! Stop I heard a rip!" I said and he got off of me and looked at them, they were almost torn in half. I pouted "now what am I gonna wear?"
Joker smirked "why do you gotta wear anything?"
I giggled "Puddin, you said we'd have to hold off, you said the baby's not strong enough yet"
Joker was mad, not at me, not at anyone really, I quickly went and kissed him to cheer him up and he smiled on our kiss. We finished packing and we both got to the hotel, ivy and kitty were already checked into mine and Riddler and scarecrow checked into the boys room, the wedding isn't gonna be too big, don't want batsy ruining it. Puddin even found a way to get a legal marriage license! We headed to out rooms and before walking in he pulled me in for a kiss
"You sure you're gonna be Ok?" He asked placing a hand on my stomach
I sighed "Puddin, everything's going to be Ok, he's stronger than the last one, I can feel it"
He tilted his head "he?"
"I don't know, I just feel like its a boy" I kissed him again then walked into the room where ivy and kitty screamed and started insisting we go to for a (Idk how to spell it) party
"Guys why would I wanna go watch some guy dance, I'm getting married tomorrow" I was trying to get them to drop it because I didn't want to tell them I was pregnant yet but if we went they'd want me to drink
"exactly, cmon Harls let's go have some fun, pleeeeeaaaase" kitty was pulling on my arm like a little kid in a candy store
"gonna have to get used to that" I thought "ALRIGHT, alright, but I'm not drinking, I don't need to be hung over when I say my vows" they both giggled and we got dressed
~meanwhile in jokers room~
Jokers pov
I could smell weed before I even opened the door
"Party don't start till I walk in" I said making the other two laugh "pass that shit" I said and nigma handed me a joint and I took a deep drag "so what's the plan for tonight?"
"Whatever you want j, you're about to tie the knot with the hot mess in the next room" nigma answered and I slowly walked over to him, because of how he emphasized the word "hot"
"What was that Eddie?" I knew he hated that name
"The poor have it, the rich need it, I'm more powerful than god, and Eviler than the devil, what am I" he answered with a grin
I groaned "what is it ed?"
"Nothing, which is the answer to your question"
"Ahhh, but ya see, I heard you put a little more effort into one word, what was it? Oh yeah, you called my wife to be hot"
"Cmon j I didn't mean anything by it"
"All that chit chats gonna get cha hurt Eddie" I said getting in his face
Finally scarecrow stepped between us "alright, let's just focus on what we should do tonight" he said
then my phone buzzed
" Puddin the girls insisted we go out, I'll text you when I'm back" damn, now what "guys, the girls went out!" Now I was mad
"Where did they go?" Eddie asked
"No fucking clue, but I'm gonna find em" I responded
Harleys pov
Man, I hated that whole experience, I ordered a Dr. Pepper and watched ivy and Selina throw money at some guy dressed as a fireman I was released when I heard a familiar voice
"HARRLYY!" I ran over to joker and hugged him, ivy and kitty saw and knew there fun was over "baby, why are you here, and by yourself?" He said then whispered "you shouldn't be alone while pregnant" then grabbed my hand and we all walked out. We got back to our rooms but before we did I noticed the smell coming off of him, I shook it off and walked into the room. Ivy and kitty were pouting
"How did he even know we were gone?" Kitty asked, to no one in particular then ivy saw me on my phone
"Alright, Harley, kitty, we're putting our phones in our bags and not touching them all night" she said and put her hand on her hip I groaned and sent one last text to joker
"Gtg Ivy's having all three of us put our phones away, I'll text you when they're asleep" then handed her my phone, this was gonna be a long night.
We watched magic mike and then kitty decided to put on 50 shades of grey, I didn't want to but it was 2\3, I thought it was weird to watch with friends, but we were laughing at it a lot. It was at least 2:30 am when I realized they were out, so I texted j goodnight, I was gonna be up in a few hours anyway.

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