Just a Dream (Ch.4)

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Some of your questions are answered in this chapter.


Chapter 4

My eyes opened slowly. I felt like a baby that had just been born - confused, new, yet so alive. Where was I? It was blurry at first, but my retina adjusted the image. I was in a hospital room; or so it looked. There was a bed beside mine, and someone was in it. I tried to sit up, but groaned in pain. My stomach hurt like you couldn't believe. What happened?

"Don't try to get up." It was a boy's voice; slightly matured, but still a bit rough. He must have been a teenager, maybe around my age. I wasn't for sure though. His voice didn't seem to be harsh either, more like a gentle command. He spoke softly, also - like a whisper.

"What happened?" The words didn't seem to come from my mouth. Most of the syllables were stressed, and my voice was weak. I blushed in embarrassment, and hid my face slightly, but then he noticed my bright scarlet hair.

"You're her," the boy replied simply, looking me over closely. "You saved my life." He smiled.

"Bus?" My mind was spinning. It all came back. The bus, the dream, the voices, and the boy. That boy was in my dream. It was him. He realized that I had just remembered, and gave me a sympathetic look. I sighed, looking up. The room was bright, a bit too bright for my comfort. I was in a baby blue hospital gown. But, so was the boy, so I didn't mind much.

"Thank you... So very much, I thank you." The boy looked so gratified with me, and something else shone in his eyes. I didn't understand it. "Well, my name is Sylar." Sylar looked down.

"I'm Kenna." Silence followed. The only sound was the beeping of my heart regulator, and Sylar's.

"So, what happened to you?" Sylar had looked up again, straight at me. His brownish-black eyes shined under the hospital light.

"I really don't know," I replied truthfully. "I just woke up from this really weird dream... Your dream... And, now I'm sitting here." I shrugged.

"The doctors check in every half of an hour," Sylar said. "They said that I'd barely gotten to keep my legs." He sighed. "You've been asleep for a long time. I've heard the doctors talking about a coma."

"Coma?" My jaw dropped. A coma? Is he kidding me?

"Yeah... I'm sorry." Sylar looked down again. I saw a woman come in - she was obviously a nurse. She had on a pink and purple nurse's outfit, and a stethoscope around her neck.

"Ah, you finally woke up!" She approached my bed, and looked at the clipboard on it. She read it over, then wrote something down quickly. "I'll get Dr. Bizarre." The short, stubby nurse ran out of the hospital room before I could say a word. I heard commotion outside, then looked over at Sylar. His skin was a bit darker than mine, but not he wasn't tan either. I was paler than ever before, and I looked like a walking and talking corpse.

A huge man; about 6'9, walked into the doorway. He had dark skin, and no hair at all. His long, white shirt helped me identify him: he was a doctor - most likely Dr. Bizarre. He smiled warmly at me, his clean and shiny teeth showed; with powerful, red gums containing them. "Miss Kenna?" he asked, his deep voice booming, yet gentle.

"Y-yes?" I looked up at him. I dreaded what would come next - the news would obviously be bad. I popped my knuckles; it was a bad habit of mine.

"I'm Dr. Bizarre. It's wonderful to meet you. How are you feeling?"

I shrugged. Really, I felt like crap, but it's usually impolite to say something like that. Oh well. "Like crap," I replied, smirking to myself. Sylar turned his head away, and I thought that I heard a snort come out of his mouth. At least he can see humor, I thought.

"You should feel like crap," Dr. Bizarre replied, laughing a bit. "You've been in a coma, sweetheart. I'd expect nothing better."

So, Sylar didn't lie. "Why was I in a coma?" I tried to ask with my voice strong, though the words came out weakly. I hated being the center of attention.

"You don't remember?" The doctor asked. He nodded his head, and wrote something down on the clipboard. "Ah, well you were in a bad crash. Do you feel the pain in your stomach?" I nodded. "That should be expected. You had, well, fell onto a large sheet of glass. It went right through you." I shivered: His description matched my memory, 100%. I sighed sadly, then glanced over at Sylar. He had his back to us, but I had known that he was listening to everything.

"I remember, now," I told Dr. Bizarre. He nodded, took a few notes again, and put the clipboard down. Then, he walked over to my bedside, and sank down to my level. He looked me in the eyes. I'd felt dizzy.

"Do you remember your parents?" The doctor awaited my answer.

"I have none. Orphan, duh," I replied, with my 'know-it-all' tone.

"Alright. Do you remember your friends?" I nodded. "How about the others in the orphanage? Can you list some names for me?"

"Um. There's Ms. Debby, Scott, Lindsay, Pierre, Marie, and Pepper. He's our dog." All of my memories flooded in. The doctor nodded, then stretched back to his normal size. He yawned.

"You have a load of stitches on your stomach, so don't stress it, now. Good luck, sweetheart." Dr. Bizarre whispered something to the nurse, then approached Sylar's bed and talked to him for a minute. I'd been just laying there silently on the uncomfortable bed, trying to let sleep overcome me. It didn't ever really come. But, five minutes later, the doctor and nurse walked away - leaving me alone with Sylar. He looked over at me, smiled sadly, and looked down again.

"Are you okay?" I asked, looking at him closely.

"Just fine; and you?"

"Wonderful," I replied sarcastically, and smiled humorlessly. Sylar closed his eyes and soon he was breathing peacefully. I watched the window, and saw the sun get dragged below the horizon, leaving a pale pink line over the treetops of Mississippi. I watched the large birds circling the sky, and soon they retired to their nests in the trees. The wildlife fell asleep as blackness ate everything away, except for the bright shine of the moon. I felt relaxed, and soon drifted off to the gates of the dream world.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2010 ⏰

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